Date, Time, and Location

Thursday, November 5, 2020
1:00pm ET | 12:00pm CT | 11:00am MT | 10:00am PT


Attending: Mark Rank, Keith Wessel, Janemarie Duh, Judith Bush, Mary McKee, Heather Flanagan, Eric Goodman Eric Kool-Brown, Matthew Economou

With: David Walker, Nic Roy, Johnny Lasker, Albert Wu, Steve Zoppi, Dean Woodbeck, Ann West, Steve Zoppi, Shannon Roddy

Intellectual Property Reminder - All Internet2 activities are governed by the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework.

Public Content Notice - TAC minutes are public documents. Please let the TAC and note taker know if you plan to discuss something of a sensitive nature.

TI/Ops Update

Federation Manager 5.4.0 was released yesterday, which enables SP encryption signaling with Internet2. At this point, it is only available to Internet2 

Dean announced that he will be retiring in May 2021.

International Update

Nicole Harris and Heather Flanagan will be offering a REFEDS update at the upcoming CAMP session. The focus will be on introducing REFEDS and the work we do.

The REFEDS Steering Committee will meet next week to discuss how to reframe REFEDS without face-to-face meetings, and to discuss the upcoming REFEDS Annual Survey. The Annual Survey will include some new questions about the impact of COVID-19 on federations.

The Schema Editorial Board and the SeamlessAccess Entity Categories and Attribute Release Working Group are working on revised draft for the proposed entity categories. The consultation process and review by the Schema Editorial Board resulted in two major areas of concern: first, that the entity categories were attempting more than one thing at a time (access control and metrics), and second that IdPs would find it impossible to scale support for entitlements across all the different SPs without a controlled vocabulary or a common attribute value format.

The proposal from the Schema Board is to remove the requirements for metrics and entitlement entirely. Entitlements may be added back in after work is completed to create the necessary controlled vocabulary or attribute value format.

In addition, other supporting material that offers advice and how-to guidance must be moved to a supporting document (such as a wiki page) and not included in the specification itself.

The two groups will be meeting on 10 November to (hopefully) come to consensus on the proposed text.

International Standards

The Kantara work on Consent Receipts has caught the attention of the European Commission. The EC is working on a revised data governance regulation (see the 2020 European Strategy for Data) and the draft proposal for EC Data Governance is circulating in the UMA Working Group. This proposal includes recommendations for “consent dashboards” and how to bring “legal certainty to withdrawal of consent.” Contact Heather if you would like to see a copy of the proposal.


In addition to the above update on entity categories, SeamlessAccess will be rolling out much more extensive documentation for integrators later this month. This information is much more specific in terms of guidance on the UX and how to handle the integrations. An integrators workshop will be scheduled sometime in the next four weeks; we are coordinating with the primary contacts for each integration to get this scheduled. The goal of the workshop is to share findings from each of the integrators with an eye towards more clearly defining best practice in the identity provider discovery space.

SAML2int Adoption Documents

TAC will form a subgroup to polish the documents and outline action items. See SAML2Int Adoption Analysis - Common Requirements

Please email Keith Wessel if you are interested in participating.

TAC Nominations

Three TAC members with terms expiring are re-nominating: Heather Flanagan, Judith Bush, and Matt Brookover. There was discussion about the other nominees. Dean will follow up with Jessica concerning the ballot and voting.

Janemarie will step down as chair at the end of 2020 (but has a year left on her term).


Test Federation WG - The plan is to communicate the formation of this WG next week and then propose an ACAMP session on the topic. The email list and wiki page will be set up prior to the announcement (Dean will follow-up with Jessica). We will need a TAC to serve as the group sponsor (who will lead the effort to identify the co-chairs, based on the response to the call for participation).

IdP as a Service WG - Mary will lead a CAMP session on the working group report (Tuesday, Nov 17), with others on the panel. A community consensus process will kick off prior to CAMP

2021 Work Plan

In addition to elections, TAC needs to discuss the 2021 work plan and priorities. Some thoughts so far are:

  • Launch of the Test Federation Working Group
  • Deployment profile work recommendations and SAML2int adoption documents
  • Wrapping up the identifier strategy docs - and sketch out the timing for communicating
    • Should at least some of these be incorporated into a Baseline Expectations v3?
  • There is a meeting of advisory chairs next week - Janemarie attends and will start the discuss about where TAC items fit with priorities of the other advisory groups

Albert reviewed the preview of the Federation Library on the wiki.

Next Meeting -  Thursday, December 3, 2020 

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