Notes: TIER Ad Hoc Advisory call Feb. 26 2016


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Notes and Action Items from TIER Ad Hoc Advisory Group, Friday, Feb. 26, 2016


Action Items:





Attending: Tom, Helen, Keith, Nick, Emily, Jim, Paul, Ken, Jacob, SteveZ


CAPE Charter (draft) & MACE Recharter (draft)


For CAPE charter, Tom made some changes to address concerns that had been expressed.


   Doc about integrating MACE and CAPE 


  Ken notes 1)  different membership models between MACE and CAPE and 2) MACE focuses more on international collaboration


Helen: membership term of CAPE is stated as 3 years. Will this be staggered?


Tom: yes


Tom removed the membership requirements that dictated the number of reps from various constituencies.


There is a term limit for the chair.  This can be renewed.


Future of MACE-Dir: can we move MACE-Dir into the TIER space?


Keith: this is a good time to internationalize the MACE-Dir work and find an international sponsor. We could spin up an Interfederation Schema Working Group and migrate the MACE-Dir activity into that group.


Discussion of putting eduPerson and SCHAC in the same governance body.


Could be under REFEDs or Internet2 can own these activities and make them open to the international community


Ken: there is some complexity with language etc.


Keith: there needs to be an international discussion about mechanisms for this work and how to make things international.


CAPE might spin up a Schema working group and then the conversation can go forward on the internationalization.


Nick: Heather Flanagan has looked at international governance structures.


REFEDs does not have an IPR.


CAPE can be a place of last resort for doing things that do not fall under TAC, etc


Ken will work on some logistical guidelines for CAPE and how the discussions will take place.


Tom will make this a sharable draft


Decision: OK to declare fusion between MACE and CAPE


Ken suggests that we run the CAPE charter by Leif.


[AI] (Ken) will take the CAPE charter to the next MACE call.


Tom: the name CAPE may change


From the Ad Hoc Advisory Group Charter Deliverables:



Trust and Identity Document Stewardship


David Walker, Tom, and Ann helped develop this draft. Does it say the right things? Is this helpful? Does it address the set of problems and needs that it should?


[AI] (All) please review and add comments to the Doc Stewardship draft.


Note that the doc has boldface metadata. We have finished the author phase. Now starting the review phase.


Introduce “Grouper Reference Architecture Recommendations for Groups and Folders”, from Bill Thompson (Keith)


Bill’s vision seems close to Tom’s vision of access management through Grouper


Tom: this is a good case in point for doc stewardship. Bill may want to submit a document with recommendations for Grouper Reference Architecture (perhaps after chairing a working group). CAPE could sponsor the working group and  and figure out how to help get the resulting doc reviewed and published.


Could this Grouper Reference Architecture help with or be part of TIER packaging?


Tom: this could start as a White Paper from Bill. CAPE Practice could curate it and make it findable. The document might end up looking like the  LDAP recipe and Practices in Directory Groups


[AI] (Keith) will follow up with Bill T on Bill T taking charge of developing Grouper Ref Architecture Practices


Updates from the TIER Working Groups


 Security and Audit WG


Helen: there is a need to understand the skill level of people working on TIER with



Need to know how conversant the community is on those standards.  Will need to do some training and awareness.


Ken: NASA has assessment technology methodology for software readiness. Tom says GEANT has adopted same framework for software readiness.

Ken: sustainability might be part of software readiness


Helen: operational readiness and maturity is a goal,


including how to handle security incidents, change management, etc.


Most likely operational readiness will be focus in 2nd part of 2016.


Current focus of the Security and Audit WG is on code development.


Entity Registries WG and API WG










Component Architects




Next call: Friday, March 11,  2016 at 3pm ET