
Bob Dein (Miami)

Chris Hubing (Pen St.)

Dan Kiskis (Michigan)

Dana Miller (Miami)

J.J DuChateau (Wisconsin)

Jeff Minelli (PSU)

John Ladwig

Louis King (Yale)

Brenda Reeb (Rochester)

Maher Shinouda

Mike Janke (MnSCU) - Presenter

Jose Cedeno (OSU)

Chris Eagle (Michigan)

Jim Phelps (Wash U)


API WG - cancelled call, pushed out


Spring F2F (Chris & Brenda) 

Mike Janke (Univ. Minnesota System) - Framework for Enterprise System Guidance

Q & A

Q: How is it going?

A: OK. Been tweeking the model to fit more and more systems (e.g. starting with major systems). Due to workload, using primarily for new systems and applying to existing as time & resources permit.

Q: Have your development teams adopted as build requirements for on-site solutions?

A: Yes

Q: Is a copy of presentation available?

A: We will send whatever we are allowed via the ITANA Wiki

