COmanage Registry defines three types of administrators.

Platform (CMP) Administrators

Platform Administrators are effectively super users, with the ability to perform almost all operations on the platform. (Platform Administrators cannot execute enrollment flows for COs unless authorized by the enrollment flow.)

Platform Administrators are configured by adding the appropriate Organizational Identity to the COmanage, and then adding the corresponding person to the admin group within the COmanage CO.

The first user added as part of the Registry Setup Script is automatically configured to be a Platform Administrator.

Collaboration (CO) Administrators

Collaboration Administrators are super users within a CO. Collaboration Administrators are configured by adding the appropriate Organizational Identity to the CO (if not already done), and then adding the corresponding person to the admin group within the CO.

Unit (COU) Administrators

Collaboration Administrators with sophisticated administrative requirements may optionally define Unit Administrators. Unit Administrators have limited privileges within the CO, generally related to the ability to enroll and manage populations within the CO Unit (COU).

Unit Administrators are configured by adding the appropriate Organizational Identity to the CO (if not already done), and then adding the corresponding person to the admin:COU-Name group within the CO.