Grouper at New York University

See the June 2015 update from NYU on Selective Group Exclusion When Provisioning to LDAP,


October, 2013

NYU has been running Grouper for several years.  Our production instance now sports some 125K folders, 204K groups and
500K members -- mostly consisting of groups created to mirror class enrollments.  

We have only used Grouper for a few applications to date, but are now embarking on a major project to integrate groups
across Sakai, Grouper and Google Groups, with implementation in the Spring 2014 timeframe.

A major challenge for the future is figuring out how best to manage groups and make group data available across a number
of core identity management tools which have overlapping capabilities vis-a-vis groups: Grouper, Sailpoint IIq (our newly
adopted role/account management system), LDAP, Active Directory.

- Gary Chapman, NYU/ITS - gary.chapman @