Grouper has a built in messaging system which is not as robust as a messaging middleware product such as ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ.

A message is just a record in a table which has a timestamp (which determines the ordering), and other fields.

A sender can send to a queue or a topic.  A queue has a receiver pulling messages.  A topic will just distribute to 1 or more queues.

Receivers need to receive the message then mark it as processed when done.

Message columns

Column nameDescription
 IDdb uuid for this row
HIBERNATE_VERSION_NUMBERincrementing number so two updates dont occur at once (optimistic locking)
SENT_TIME_MICROSmicroseconds since 1970 this message was sent (note this is probably unique, but not necessarily
GET_ATTEMPT_TIME_MILLISmilliseconds that the message was attempted to be received
GET_ATTEMPT_COUNThow many times this message has been attempted to be retrieved
GET_TIME_MILLISmillis since 1970 that this message was successfully received
FROM_MEMBER_IDmember id of user who sent the message
TO_MEMBER_IDmember id of user who is receiving the message
QUEUE_OR_TOPIC_NAMEqueue or topic name for the message
MESSAGE_BODYmessage body

See Also:

Message Format Detail

Message Format Config Example