InCommon Technical Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes
April 28, 2015


Attending: Michael Gettes, Paul Caskey, Nick Roy, David Walker, Mike LaHaye, David Walker, Jim Jokl, Steve Carmody, Scott Cantor, Keith Hazelton, Ken Klingenstein

With: Dean Woodbeck, Ann West, Steve Zoppi, IJ Kim, Tom Scavo, Jacob Farmer

Action Items

(AI) Nick Roy will outline the predecessor/successor relationships among the priorities to determine sequence and need-by dates. David and Ann will assist. This will be circulated to TAC and AAC.

(AI) Steven Carmody and Michael Gettes will develop a short white paper to document the requirements and goals related to attribute release.

(AI) Paul Caskey will take charge of this goal “Making Federation Easier”

(AI) Tom Barton will develop a WG charter re: how to coordinate incident response

(AI) Jacob Farmer will discuss this with the incident response person at IU

(AI) Agenda item for next meeting - how can TAC help with eduGAIN rollout.

Steering Meeting Recap

Steering met April 27, 2015, at the Global Summit. Highlights:

Organizing for 2015

TAC is flagged as owner of several of the 2015 priorities:

Priority A - IdP/SP Practice Requirements

(AI) Nick will outline the predecessor/successor relationships among these priorities to determine sequence and need-by dates. David and Ann will assist. This will be circulated to TAC and AAC.

Priority Q - IDP of Last Resort

Priority L - User Consent

Priority X - Make federation easier

Priority M - federated incident response

InCommon Model for Sponsored Partners

There was discussion of re-evaluating the InCommon model of relying on campuses to bring vendors into the federation. Perhaps InCommon should identify key vendors and work aggressively with them on integration.

(AI) Agenda item for next meeting - how can TAC help with eduGAIN rollout.

Next Meeting - Thursday, May 14, 2015 - 1 pm ET