Before continuing, be sure you have reviewed Understanding Registry Enrollment and Linking and Registry Enrollment (Rev 2, Registry 0.9.4 and later).

Because Registry Enrollment may involve subjects without existing Registry records, authentication and authorization for Registry Enrollment Flows operates a bit differently than for the rest of Registry or other parts of the COmanage Platform. Registry Enrollment can involve multiple steps by various actors, which can be interrupted and re-engaged at various times.


When an Enrollment Flow is started (Start step executes), a petition is created and the Petitioner is recorded. 

For each subsequent Petitioner step of an Enrollment Flow, the following logic is used to determine if the step may be executed:

  1. A Platform Administrator, CO Administrator, or COU Administrator (when the Petitioner is in the population of the COU Administrator) may execute the step. This is not always advisable, as depending on the configuration incorrect attributes (those of the Administrator rather than those of the Petitioner) may be collected.
  2. If a Petitioner CO Person ID was recorded and the currently authenticated user has the same CO Person ID, the current user may execute the step.
  3. If the Petitioner presents a valid token, they may resume the associated Petition.


Currently, an Enrollee only interacts with an Enrollment Flow if Require Confirmation of Email is enabled. (This is subject to change in a future release.) As such, the initial interaction requires the Enrollee to present an Invitation ID that was sent via email. Then,

For each subsequent Enrollee step of an Enrollment Flow, the following logic is used to determine if the step may be executed:

  1. A Platform Administrator, CO Administrator, or COU Administrator (when the Enrollee is in the population of the COU Administrator) may execute the step. This is not always advisable, as depending on the configuration incorrect attributes (those of the Administrator rather than those of the Enrollee) may be collected.
  2. If an Enrollee CO Person ID was recorded and the currently authenticated user has the same CO Person ID, the current user may execute the step.
  3. If the Enrollee presents a valid token, they may resume the associated Petition.


If an Enrollment Flow requires approval, the set of Approvers is determined by the approvers group of the Enrollment Flow. Any Approver step may be executed by any authorized Approver. (This is subject to change in a future release.)