The status of a CO Person can be calculated from the status of the CO Person Roles attached. This happens automatically under the following conditions:

The CO Person status is set to the "most preferred" status of the attached CO Person Roles. "Most preferred" is currently defined as:

  1. Active
  2. GracePeriod
  3. Approved
  4. PendingApproval (Enrollment flow pending approval)
  5. Confirmed
  6. PendingConfirmation (Invitation sent via enrollment flow)
  7. Invited (Invitation sent via default enrollment)
  8. Pending
  9. Suspended
  10. Expired
  11. Denied (Enrollment flow denied)
  12. Declined (Invitation via default enrollment declined)
  13. Deleted
  14. Duplicate

In general, active statuses are most preferred, followed by invitation statuses, and then expired statuses.

(warning) When a CO Person Role status is manually changed, the CO Person status is not automatically recalculated. The administrator should set the desired CO Person status.