h2. Attribute Bundles

h3. Essential Attribute Bundle

{div:style=float:right;margin-left:1em;margin-bottom:1ex}{info}Learn more about the [Essential Attribute Bundle]{info}{div}

IdPs are encouraged to release the [Essential Attribute Bundle] to the broadest class of SPs possible (subject to policy):

* _Identifier_
** {{eduPersonPrincipalName}}
* _Mail attribute_
** {{mail}}
* _Person name attributes_
** {{displayName}}
** {{givenName}}
** {{sn}} (surname)

{note:title=An Important Consequence of Releasing the Essential Attribute Bundle}
If your deployment of {{eduPersonPrincipalName}} is non-reassigned, and your IdP releases the Essential Attribute Bundle to all SPs, then your IdP supports the [Research & Scholarship Category|Research and Scholarship Category] as a side effect, without further configuration.

h3. Research & Scholarship Attribute Bundle

{div:style=float:right;margin-left:1em;margin-bottom:1ex}{info}Learn more about the [Research & Scholarship Attribute Bundle|Research and Scholarship Attribute Bundle]{info}{div}

IdPs are encouraged to release the [Research & Scholarship Attribute Bundle|Research and Scholarship Attribute Bundle] to all R&S SPs:

* _Identifiers_
** {{eduPersonPrincipalName}}
** {{eduPersonTargetedID}}
* _Mail attribute_
** {{mail}}
* _Person name attributes_
** {{displayName}}
** {{givenName}}
** {{sn}} (surname)
* _Authorization attribute_
** {{eduPersonScopedAffiliation}}

{note:title=The Research & Scholarship Category}
The [Research & Scholarship Category|Research and Scholarship Category] is a global effort that promotes _Federation for Research and Scholarship that Just Works_.