Lightning Talk

Caleb Racey
Newcastle University
Access Controlling Online Resources -- Wikis, Lecture Capture, Room Booking


 Decided to deploy wikis in the institute.

Must be authenticated to the wiki

There are access control needs , there are several
hierarchical wikis: 6 wikis and 50 users

Various teams needed access to different wikis : unit teams wiki, network wiki, etc.

Created IT services handbook

Used combo of Shibboleth and Grouper to address wiki access challenges

Shibboleth queries database, gets attributes, passes information to Grouper

Use a recap system by Copia from Australia

There is also a room booking system. So, for example, people in agriculture can book agriculture buildings.  There was hierarchical access control.  There are staff, deptartmental, location and organizational hierarchies.

Use a loader process that loads these up into Grouper.