
In attendance: Brian Cort, David Crowe, Caren Litvanyi, Linda Roos, Paul Schopis, Steve Wallace

1.    time of call
2.    outlining technical and policy issues for the group

1.    time of call
The group discussed an alternate time for the call and agreed to try the fourth Tuesday at 1:00 PDT/4:00 EDT.  The next call will be held on July 22.

2.    outlining technical and policy issues for group
David mentioned that Oregon had a problem with the way that RHCPP are going to be provided with a solution.  RHCPP going to do this strictly with a set of contracts; most will be commercial providers.  In order to have any Oregon RHCPP to participate with Internet2, will have routing issues with Internet2 and the Oregon gigapop. This is an issue for Oregon as well as some other states.

Steve Wallace mentioned that there are other states in wich the RHCPP may have commercial-only connectivity.

David indicated that he wanted to ensure that all of the issues related to corner cases are also resolved.

Brian asked if Internet2 had taken a position on this.  Steve mentioned that this group had been formed to create a technical solution and, if a policy change is required, that would be taken to the appropriate council for approval.

David mentioned that in Oregon will have rural ISPs providing local connectivity.  The ISPs may or may not have BGP.  Even teasing out address space and doing BGP may be tough.  He isn't sure that it will be possible for preferred routing will be possible with these small ISPs.  Even stripping off prefixes may be difficult.

The Oregon RHCPP has not published their proposals yet.

David mentioned that they have yet to have discussions with the providers but because the proposals haven't been released yet so they aren't sure which providers will be providing service.

David mentioned that, in the Oregon case, the Oregon RHCCP group plans to choose an Internet2 or NLR "preferred" provider that will be made available to the local service providers.

David indicated that, in Oregon, they tried to have the RHCPP group build a single IP network with multiple transport providers but that didn't occur.

Steve mentioned that the RHCPP indicated that they wanted to communicate with entities that had resources that the RHCPP needs, especially connections to fednets and to professional development.

David mentioned that the Oregon RHCPP align themselves with research hospitals.

Steve mentioned that, if there is a suggested change in policy, there be an indication on how to support the change.

David mentioned that the issues may be different for every state although the group may be able to group them into simpler issues.  It may be good to have a policy that will be implemented by the states/regions (much like the SEGP).

David mentioned that there will be commercial providers in this space, whether they are large or small.

For some of the RHCPP, connectivity to Internet2 is not part of the main design scheme.

David's summary:
There are policy and technical issues in the RHCPP.  He proposes getting more input from the other people that are part of this NTAC group.

Steve suggested diagramming the classes of problems that exist because it will probably be necessary to describe the problems.  David volunteered to help Steve with the diagrams after the next call.

David will encourage the others to join the call on July 22.  After that, David and Steve will work on the diagrams. 

David mentioned that the group will work on the scenarios on the next call.