Transitional NTAC meeting
October 17, 2006

In the call:
Paul Schopis (chair)
Brian Court
Jerry Sobieski
John Streck
Joe St Sauver
Michael Lambert
Leo Donnelly
Linda Winkler
Cort Buffington
Ron Hutchins

Ana Preston
Rick Summerhill
Rob Vietzke
Matt Zekauskas

Not sure if in the call or not:
Dale Smith
Matt Davy
Cas D'Angelo
Dave Jent

1. Please refer to for the report all the notes and minutes from the
Network Advisory Group. The report will be useful to bring people up to speed.
2. Rob Vietzke will facilitate the startup of a working group on commodity services to seek input
to identify issues and develop recommendations. The group will pick a chair among its
community members as it forms.
3. Ana Preston to bridge internally and get some more resources identified. Will also be setting
up web site, wiki and consolidating NTAC into new mailing list.
4. Ana to also bring up internally to make sure that NTAC is plugged into other discussions
within other advisory councils (e.g., get the chair included in some initial discussions).

Next call: Tuesday, November 7, at 4 pm ET

Notes from the call:

Paul provided quick recap of the initial Network Advisory Group (NAG) and recommendations on
moving forward with a transitional Network Technical Advisory Group and proposed framework.

ACTION: Please refer to for the report all the notes and
minutes from the Network Advisory Group. The report will be useful to bring people up to

Some discussion of current working groups and how working groups (technical) had been in
place before. Discussed that some groups and areas of work will need to continued - particularly
in areas that continue to have relevance in new network. Also need to look at new areas.

New Internet2 network brings new areas and issues where role of NTAC is critical to provide
input into decisions for Internet2. Some of the existing engineering working groups, per Rick, may
need to be asked to think about how new Internet2 networks impacts/provides new ground for
work within working group.

One area identified is IP commodity service. Per Rob Vietzke: There are some initial needs
analysis/verification that is needed with NTAC members on options for provisioning and using
Commodity services through Internet2/Level(3).

Would like to have a working group to help address issues and identify recommendations.
Discussion on being able to discuss how peering will take place but also, different traffic on same
network (Commerical/Research and Education) - how would this be implemented technically
(separate BGP/logical connections, MPLS, etc) but also, other considerations, business
considerations? Important issues also in how things may affect connectors/RONs.

Volunteers to be on this will be sent to Rob. He will convene (names mentioned included: Dan
Magorian, Brian Court, Mark Fulmer, Jeff Bartig, Bert Rossi, Matt Davy) Rob to add others that
have expressed interest.

Discussed mechanisms to communicate with community what NTAC is doing but also,
announcing/putting out notices regarding progress, new areas of work, input requests and so
forth. Each of the possible new (and even existing) working groups need to have a clear charter
and set of goals to meet. NTAC can help vet it and agree or provide recommendations. Process
should be communicated with NTAC and community in general.

ACTION: Rob Vietzke will facilitate the startup of a working group on commodity services to seek
input to identify issues and develop recommendations. The group will pick a chair among its
community members as it forms.

Suggestions from Internet2 include making sure that we have a web pointer for the NTAC, with
public/sharable notes, notices/highlights for the community along with a wiki and additional
mechanisms for input and communication.

Other working groups that will need to be created include dynamic services one. Rick reported
intersection with HOPI work (alluded to background on HOPI design team and working together
with this group). Linda Wrinkler has agreed to be the liaison to the NTAC from HOPI but to also
help lead the working group in this area. HOPI meeting taking place at beg of November. Linda
could provide update to the NTAC after this.

Other working groups which could get off the ground include a Layer 1 one and a Layer 2.
Discussed support for getting these groups started/off the ground.

Internet2 will be providing support and internal resources to get groups going.

ACTION: Ana Preston to bridge internally and get some more resources identified. Will
also be setting up web site, wiki and consolidating NTAC into new mailing list.

Some discussion on communications/relationships to other wider advisory bodies - for example
in areas of policy (like NPPAC). Paul/Ana asked that people refer to framework report to see
proposed lines of communications and inter-dependencies with such groups.

ACTION: Ana to also bring up internally to make sure that NTAC is plugged into other
discussions within other advisory councils (e.g., get the chair included in some initial

Respectfully submitted,

Ana Preston