
The purpose of this document is to describe the necessary set of steps needed to assist a developer reach a functional grouper deployment from the grouper source tree.


1. The environment must have the Java Development Toolkit installed. Ensure that JAVA_HOME is set to the JDK installation folder. JDK 6~8 should all work. 

2. The environment must have Apache Tomcat installed. Ensure that CATALINA_HOME is set to the Tomcat installation folder.

Source Checkout

Checkout the grouper source from the project source repository:

git checkout


1. Navigate to grouper-ui\webapp\WEB-INF\ and specify the path to your Tomcat installation folder.

2. From the grouper root directory, execute: ant all

The result will be GroupsManager war that will exist inside Tomcat\webapps


1. Modify your Tomcat\conf\tomcat-users.xml file to include the following snippet:        <role rolename="grouper_user"/>
        <user username="GrouperSystem" password="GrouperSystem" roles="grouper_user"/>2. Open up a command prompt, and navigate to grouper/grouper directory and execute: start-hsql.\[sh\|bat\]. This will spin up an HSQL database instance. Keep this running in the background.

3. Navigate to http://localhost:8080/GroupsManager, authenticate with GrouperSystem/GrouperSystem and you should see the grouper home page.