The Grouper VOOT Connector is a jar plugin for the Grouper WS which implements the VOOT protocol specification.
VOOT is a protocol for exchanging group information externally to applications, defined within the GN3 JRA3 T2 (Identity Federations Task).

The plugin developed for Grouper implements the version 0.9 of the VOOT protocol, you can find detailed scecification at the Terena wiki page.
More recent versions of the protocol are still under definition phase, for an update on advancements you can refer to the VOOT specification github project.

Note: only the REST operations are implemented, not the OAuth 2.0. VOOT also described an authentication process based on OAuth.
This implementation inside Grouper delegates authentication to anything already implemented for Grouper WS and is pluggable in the same way that Grouper WS is. You can easily implement servlet container or web server basic auth without any effort.  If someone has an OAuth 2.0 VOOT consumer and wants to work with the Grouper team to make OAuth 2.0 work with this plugin, let the Grouper team know.

This is currently running on the Grouper Demo Server.


The voot protocol defines two different sets of calls that can be made to a Grouper server: retrieve group membership and retrieve members of a group.

Retrieve Group Membership: 

This call retrieves a list of groups the user is a member of:




where userId is replaced with an identifier of the user at the provider.
The response can include the following keys:

The id field SHOULD be opaque to the client. The field voot_membership_role can be any of these values: admin, manager or member.

Retrieve Members of a Group: 

This call retrieves a list of all members of a group the user is a member of:




Where userId is replaced with an identifier of the user at the provider and groupId is replaced with a group identifier which was obtained through for instance the call used to retrieve group membership for a particular user.
The response can include the following keys:

The id field SHOULD be opaque to the client. The field voot_membership_role can be any of these values: admin, manager or member. The user MUST be a member, but not necessary have the role member of the group being queried. The emails field SHOULD contain a list of email addresses which provides the type to be any of work, home or other.


Request Parameters

The API calls have three OPTIONAL parameters that manipulate the result obtained from the provider:

The sortBy parameter determines the key in the result that is used for sorting the groups or group members. It can be any of the keys of the objects returned by VOOT:

If the key is not available in the set being sorted, the results are not sorted or sorted at the provider's discretion. It is up to the provider whether or not to sort and by what key in what order if these parameters are not present.
If the results are to be sorted, the value SHOULD be compared as strings and SHOULD be sorted case-insensitive in ascending order.

The startIndex parameter determines the offset as an integer >= 0 at which the start for giving back results.
The count parameter, an integer >= 0 indicates the number of results to be given back.
The startIndex and count parameters can be used to implement paging by returning only a subset of the results.

These parameters are OPTIONAL, if they are not provided or invalid the provider MUST consider startIndex equal to 0 and count equal to the total number of items available in the entire set for the particular query.

The sorting, if requested, MUST be performed on the provider before applying limiting the results based on the startIndex and count parameters.

For the API call, requesting user information, the sortBy parameter has no effect. Using startIndex and count is possible, however they are of little use as there always will be only one answer, assuming the user exists.

Grouper extensions


Ask the Grouper team for a user/pass to the grouper demo WS (currently basic auth via apache)

      "name":"aStem:A Group",
      "name":"aStem:A Group 2",
      "name":"aStem:A Group 3",
      "name":"QS University of Bristol:All Students and Staff",
      "name":"QS University of Bristol:All students",
      "name":"QS University of Bristol:Academic faculties:Science:Students",

      "description":"Internal utility group for group mvmTestGroup which facilitates the group math for the include and exclude lists",
      "name":"users:penn2:mvm:mvmTestGroup system of record and includes"
      "description":"Group containing list of test2 after adding the includes and subtracting the excludes",
      "description":"Group containing list of addincludethingbwh after adding the includes and subtracting the excludes",

      "displayName":"Barry Blair",

      "displayName":"Barry Masterson",
      "displayName":"Barry Blair",
      "displayName":"Barry Windsor",


Here is the README.txt

To build the grouperVoot.jar
- Have grouper and grouper-ws project checked out and built
- Copy the to
- Configure the to point to grouper and grouper-ws
- Run the ant target build or distBinary

To run Grouper Voot
- Setup and run the grouper WS
- Copy the grouperVoot.jar to the WEB-INF/lib of grouper WS
- Make sure your sources.xml has an email attribute name in applicable subject sources:

     <!-- If using emails and need email addresses in sources, set which attribute has the email address in this source -->

- Setup the web.xml

    <filter-name>Grouper service filter</filter-name>

    <display-name>Voot Servlet</display-name>


- If you are using basic auth in the web.xml, make sure the voot servlet is protected:

      <web-resource-name>Voot services</web-resource-name>

- Voot documentation:

- Turn on the grouper web services, and try the following URL's: [note: put in valid suject ID]  [note: put in valid group name] [note: put in valid suject ID and group name]

You can pass in a param to indent the response:

You can also pass additional params to the different calls, being:
  - sortBy: to get the results filtered by one field in the output JSON
  - startIndex: start index (in case of paginated call it indicates the first result to be returned)
  - count: number of results to show (in case of paginated call it indicates the page size)

This is running on the Grouper demo server e.g. here: