Proposal to Change the Definition of the Research & Scholarship Category


On May 30, 2013, the following pair of related changes to the Research & Scholarship Category definition was proposed to the InCommon Technical Advisory Committee (TAC):

  1. Remove the following language from the definition of the Research and Scholarship Category:

    However, because of the risk involved, a Service Provider that engages subjects in experiments that require specific oversight is not eligible for the R&S Category.

  2. Remove the following self-attestation from the Research and Scholarship Application Form:

    My service does not engage subjects in experiments that require specific oversight.

The original purpose of this requirement was to encourage support for the Research & Scholarship Category by risk-averse IdP operators. However, the requirement had the unintended consequence of slowing adoption by SP owners.

The TAC discussed the proposed change on four (4) separate occasions, at meetings held on 2013-05-30, 2013-06-13, 2013-08-08, and 2013-09-05. The consensus of the TAC was that the requirement should be dropped. The TAC noted that the requirement is problematic for at least the following reasons:

On September 9, 2013, the InCommon Steering Committee reviewed and confirmed the TAC recommendation.
