If you have previously installed COmanage Registry, follow these steps to upgrade your installation.

Download New Source

Checkout the source as described in Registry Installation - Source. Depending on how you set things up previously, you will likely need to:

  1. Update app/tmp to point to your production tmp directory.
  2. Re-install your authentication configuration. (eg: On Apache, copy app/webroot/auth/login/.htaccess and app/webroot/auth/logout/.htaccess.
  3. Re-install your database configuration. (app/Config/database.php)
  4. If you updated app/Config/email.php, re-install that file as well.
  5. Copy app/Config/security.salt and app/Config/security.seed.
  6. Update your registry-source link to point to the new directory.

Clear Caches

Various caches are maintained to improve performance, but can cause problems during upgrades. Clear existing caches prior to continuing.

$ cd app
$ ./Console/cake cache
Done clearing cache

(warning) Be careful with file ownerships here. Make sure the cache directory (wherever app/tmp points to) and all of its subdirectories and files are writeable by the web server. chown -R and chgrp -R may be in order.

Update Database Schema

Generally, updating the database schema is required when upgrading COmanage Registry. You may need to run this command as a user that has permission to write to your tmp directory.

$ cd app
$ ./Console/cake database
Database schema update successful

When upgrading the database schema, you may see "Possibly failed to update database schema" instead. In all likelihood, the database schema successfully updated. (CO-165)

Periodically, database tables are removed from use. The database schema management script does not currently drop disused tables (CO-672). You should remove them manually to avoid problems with deleting records with foreign key constraints.

The following list of tables can be dropped as of the listed version:

Once you upgrade to this version

You should drop these tables (if present)

Registry 0.8.2


Version Specific Database Updates