About Notifications

COmanage Registry has a facility for delivering Notifications, which are basically short messages with a timestamp. The following roles are defined for Notifications:

A Notification can simply require acknowledgment, or it can require resolution. If the Notification only requires acknowledgment, then the Recipient (the CO Person or any member of the CO Group) simply views the notification and clicks Acknowledge to dismiss the Notification. If the Notification requires resolution, then the Recipient must take the appropriate action (typically by clicking the URL included in the Notification).

The Actor can cancel a Notification before it is responded to.

Subjects can view Notifications about themselves, but are not typically directly notified.

Notifications generate History Records.

Notification Visibility

Notifications are made visible via the notification menu (the red menu with an envelope and a count) in the top bar. Notifications will remain there until acknowledged or resolved.

Additionally, if there is an email address associated with the CO Person (not Org Identity!) record for the recipient, that email address will be sent a copy of the notification.

Where Notifications Happen

Petitions (Enrollments)




Command Line

It is possible to generate Notifications from the command line. For more information, run

$ ./Console/cake notification