The ITANA Procedures support the ITANA Charter with additional details of ITANA operations.


General Meetings

The Chair, or a person designated by the Chair, will convene regular meetings of the General Membership. Guidelines for these meetings include:

Steering Committee Meetings

The Chair (or Vice-Chair when necessary) will convene regular meetings of the Steering Committee. Guidelines for these meetings include:

Face2Face Meetings

The Steering Committee will ensure that there is a Face2Face Working Group in place for each year’s Face2Face meeting. The Working Group is responsible for planning, promoting, and implementing the meeting. Guidelines for these meetings include:

Working Groups and Peer Groups

Working Groups and Peer Groups will have regular meetings. Guidelines for these meetings include:


Operations Working Group

The Steering Committee will ensure that there is an Operational Working Group in place to coordinate the day-to-day operations of ITANA. Members will be appointed to the Operational Working Group to cover the following tasks:


Initial Appointments

This section governs only the initial appointments made in January 2014 to “bootstrap” the new ITANA governance process.

  1. The current ITANA Chair will appoint the initial members of the Steering Committee, and present them to the General Membership.
  2. The new Steering Committee will review and approve the proposed governance changes to the ITANA Charter, and present the changes to the General Membership.
  3. The new Steering Committee will select an initial Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary, and present their choices to the General Membership.
  4. The initial Chair will be appointed for a term of two years, and the initial Vice-Chair will be appointed for a term of one year, in order to maintain overlap in these offices.
  5. The new Steering Committee will review and approve the proposed ITANA Procedures, and share these with the General Membership.

Steering Committee Appointments

The current Steering Committee will conduct appointments to the Steering Committee. Guidelines for these appointments include:

In the event that the Steering Committee has no members, the Chair will appoint the minimum number of Steering Committee members (based on the ITANA Charter). The newly formed Steering Committee will then continue the appointment process.

Officer Appointments

The current Steering Committee will conduct appointments of officers. No officers will be appointed unless a Steering Committee has been appointed. Guidelines for these appointments include:

Working Group Appointments

Working Groups are governed by the Steering Committee as set forth in the ITANA Charter. These groups will also follow the Charge to Working Groups:

Changes to Charter and Procedures

The Steering Committee may make periodic changes to the ITANA Charter and ITANA Procedures as needed for the governance and operations of ITANA.

Outreach and Content

ITANA produces a variety of outreach materials and other content, including but not limited to:

The ITANA Steering Committee retains authority over all materials produced as part of ITANA initiatives. In particular:

Online Resources

The Steering Committee, through the Operations Working Group, will: