Checkout Source

Checkout the COmanage Registry source files somewhere into the file system. The location you put the files does not have to be the location from where the files are served by the web server. Create a symlink from the tag to registry-source:

$ svn co
$ ln -s 0.8.3 registry-source

Configure Web Server

Deploy the COmanage Registry directory wherever you like. Note that the user that the web server runs as needs to be able to read all the files.

Configure your web server to deliver the registry at a suitable URL such as A simple strategy to accomplish this when running under the Apache web server is to create a symlink in the DocumentRoot named registry that points to the directory .../registry-source/app/webroot:

$ cd /var/www
$ ln -s /path/to/registry-source/app/webroot registry

COmanage Registry currently assumes it is installed at the URL path /registry (CO-299). Until this is fixed, you should make COmanage Registry available at

Verify File Permissions

You should verify that the web server will not deliver unprocessed files, especially configuration files such as the database configuration file (ie: By default, these files will not be delivered.

Move /tmp Directory

You'll most likely want to move the registry-source/app/tmp directory, since it is bad practice to have writable directories on the file system delivering web content. A reasonable alternative would be /var/cache/registry. The easiest way to do this on a Unix-like system is to create a symlink to the new directory.

$ cd registry-source/app
$ sudo cp -r tmp /var/cache/registry
$ sudo chown -R $HTTPUSER /var/cache/registry
$ sudo chmod 700 /var/cache/registry
$ mv tmp tmp.not
$ ln -s /var/cache/registry tmp

The CakePHP may write error and debugging logs to the logs directory under the tmp directory. You may wish to monitor and/or rotate these files.

Integrate Web Server Authentication

In order to integrate COmanage Registry with your authentication system, configure your Web server to protect the directory registry/app/webroot/auth/login. For example, under Apache your configuration may look something like

DocumentRoot /var/www
<Directory /var/www/registry/auth/login>
  AuthType shibboleth
  ShibRequestSetting requireSession 1
  require valid-user

If your authentication system supports a logout directive, create a similar configuration protecting auth/logout.