Jim Phelps will email the list prior to each call time.  The next time slot is Thu, September 26, 1pm – 2pm at 2PM Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -4)

Agenda for next call

  1. Roll Call
  2. Agenda Bash
  3. Quick Updates
  4. Face2Face 2013, (un)Conference at EDUCAUSE
  5. SOA / API Management Discussion
    1. WS02 sub-group discussion
    2. ODS discussion
    3. Next Steps
Proposed Future Topic(s)
Architecture Review Process (Andrew Gianni, UB-SUNY):

We are working on formalizing our architecture review process because currently, it's pretty ad hoc. I have three high level questions:
1. How do you decide when you need an architecture review? What does the scope of work need to be? Or does everything get reviewed?
2. When you perform a review what questions do you ask and how do the answers inform your recommendations?
3. Do your recommendations have any teeth? Can you enforce them? If so, what is your governance mechanism?

Working Group / Activities Updates:
Learning Reference Architecture - Leo Fernig
  1.  A very productive WG meeting on May 8 on the processes and capabilities for content creation, packaging and delivery.
  2. f-2-f planning continues: latest attendee list: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/learning+architecture+f-2-f+workshop#learningarchitecturef-2-fworkshop-Attendees
Starting EA Solution Path / Maturity Model  - Colleen Nagy
  1. No update, meeting cancelled.
Face2Face 2013 & (un)Conference 2013 - Jim Phelps
  1. Registration is now open.  See the EDUCAUSE web site here: http://www.educause.edu/annual-conference/registration
  2. We are Pre-conference Session 07-F
    1. http://www.educause.edu/annual-conference/2013/seminar-07f-itana-face2face-2013-ea-action-value-enterprise-architecture-separate-registration-and-fee
    2. Tuesday, Oct 15th, 2013, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Joint ITANA and CIO CG Screen2Screen
  1. No update
ITANA Personal Stories
  1. No update
55 Questions about MOOCs - Solution Path - Jim Phelps
  1. No update.
Content Management WG
  1. In the last call, we came up with an idea to bring in new people to work on better navigation and design for the wiki and web.
  2. DoIT (at UW-Madison) will work on a new Web design.  We will migrate the current ITANA.org website into DoIT's web hosting environment.

We follow the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework: http://www.internet2.edu/membership/ip.html

Agendas and Notes for past calls