Metadata Distribution Working Group of the InCommon Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

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Action Items tracking

AI  Add a third deliverable in phase 1 about communication to participants
AI  FOPP will need to be updated. Necessary documentation around the signing key is important if not in a CP/CPS (see Lessons Learned below)
AI  Ask Leif about any standards that address MD and/or non-PKI signing practices.
AI  Document statement about key lifetime (and its cert wrapper validity period) 

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The mission of the Metadata Distribution Working Group is to develop a future-facing technical strategy for our metadata signing and distribution system.

We currently sign metadata using a signing key and certificate that is rooted in a traditional CA. The CA root certificate expires Mar 29 20:34:00 2014 GMT. This working group will determine whether we simply renew, reissue, or come up with alternative approaches to signing the main InCommon public metadata aggregate.

The current method of metadata distribution relies on frequent local refreshes of a centrally maintained, monolithic metadata file containing all entities in the Federation. This distribution method will not scale if InCommon continues to grow at an exponential rate or for interfederation to succeed. Therefore, this working group is intended to help define, develop, and encourage the deployment of a new model of metadata distribution. Analogies have been made to the shift from /etc/hosts files to DNS, but the Internet Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is thought by some to be closer to what is needed. In any case, substantial preparatory work has been developed (see this page summarizing TAC discussions regarding Metadata Distribution).

Deliverables for Phase 1

Determine the fate of the metadata signing key.

  1. Determine if the current metadata signing key and certificate needs to be replaced or renewed.
  2. Determine if the key pair requires a traditional PKI.
  3. Communicate to InCommon participants expectations and any required or recommended actions needed

Phase 1 completion date: End of August 2013

Deliverables for Phase 2

Discuss, explore, and recommend alternative approaches to metadata distribution.

  1. Elicit and capture requirements around metadata distribution for a set of likely future use cases
  2. Devise a plan to transition the metadata signing algorithm to SHA-2
  3. Determine the desirability, feasibility, and impact of changing the InCommon metadata distribution point
  4. Analyze and document alternative approaches to metadata distribution
  5. Recommend one or more methods of metadata distribution for InCommon for the foreseeable future

Issues include:

Phase 2 completion date: End of December 2013


Membership in the working group is open to all interested parties. Members join the working group by joining the mailing list, phone calls, and otherwise participating actively in the work of the group. The chair of the working group is appointed by the InCommon TAC and is responsible for keeping the TAC informed regarding working group status. John Krienke is the current chair.



InCommon Federation CA CPS  -- PDF version online here. This CA is a long-standing self-signed CA, not to be confused with the InCommon Certificate service.

Lessons Learned so Far
