note: for all of these processes there may be an IT owner as well as a business owner.

Manage curriculum

Course catalogue (courses and programs) P
Course evaluations (C)
Academic Calendar (P)
Market analytics (C)
Transcripts/Degree (P)
Academic rules and policies (P)
Competencies (P/C)
Articulation Agreements (P)
Accreditor Info ( C )
Organizational/Academic Hierarchy (P)

Manage Faculty Appointments

Competencies ( C )
Job classifications (P+C)
Instructor profile ( C ) (e.g., CV) (includes evidence of training)
Reviews (Peer and student) (C+P)
Schedule ( C )

Manage enrollments

Student Academic Career ( C )
Academic rules (pre-reqs, degree rules etc) ( C )
Student Identifier ( C )
Enrollment record ( P )
External transcript ( C )
Internal transcript (P)
Waitlist ( P )
Enrollment controls (P)


Physical Facilities inventory ( C ) (buildings, labs, lecture halls)
Academic calendar ( C )
Instructor catalog ( C )
Schedule of classes ( P )
Standard meeting patterns ( C )
Catalog of educational technologies ( C )

Manage evaluations

Outcomes (grades) ( C )
Student degree plan ( C )
Academic policy ( C )
Transcript (P)

Manage credentialing

Degree rules (not restricted to traditional degrees...could be 5 sections of MOOC) ( C )
Transcript ( C )
Student degree plan ( C )
Academic policy ( C )
Credential ( P )
Completion analytics ( P )

Manage IP around instructional materials (do we keep this?)

Commercialization of instructional products (eg LMS, tools, OCW)