Draft Minutes, ITANA call of 28-Feb-2013

Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin - Madison (chair)  
Brenda Reeb, University of Rochester  
Marina Arseniev, UC Irvine  
Kasia Azzara, Columbia  
Glenn Donaldson, Ohio State University  
Vinay Varguhese, Weill Cornell Medical College
Chris Eagle, University of Michigan    
Sat Pal, Michigan State University  
Eden Davis, Michigan State University  
Lonnie Smetana, University of Manitoba
Brian Ensor, The George Washington University
Paul Hobson, University of British Columbia  
Leo Fernig, University of British Columbia  
Rich Stevenson, University of Maryland University College  
Emily Eisbruch, Internet2 (scribe)


Current Activities Check-in

Learning Reference Architecture Group

The group is working on fleshing out the roles and activities within the

learning and technology ecosystem.
-Link to conceptual data diagram[https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Conceptual+data+model+v02|]

-There is interest in a Face to Face meeting for this working group, perhaps middle of May 2013
in Madison. Goal of Face to Face will be to flesh out the capability maps and
core diagrams for the learning space more rapidly than is possible at
conf. calls
-The compare/contrast between online learning and in-person
classroom learning is an interesting area for learning reference
-Perhaps overlay various factors (e.g. online vs in person) on the
capability map. Just one example: for online learning, immediate feedback from a quiz can be helpful

-Rich has put in a submission for an EDUCAUSE presentation
-Expect to hear back in July

SOA Working Group from last year

ECAR Publication of survey is scheduled for be March 11, 2013.

Starting an Enterprise Architect Practice Working Group

-This group has started meeting, every other Wed. at 4:15ET
-Would like more people to join the calls

-Focus from this group is on a flexible framework targeted specifically towards colleges and universities.
Would hope to produce:
1. A quick start guide for EA
2. Best practices for EA
3. Maturity assesssment for EA

Face2Face 2013 & (un)Conference at EDUCAUSE 2013 - Jim Phelps

-Jim got confirmation on the Face to Face at EDUCAUSE 2013 and for the
PreConf Seminar
-There will also be the 1/2 day UnConference at EDUCAUSE

ITANA and CIO CG Joint Screen2Screen

There will be a Joint ITANA and CIO CG ScreenScreen:  
Enterprise Architecture - Shining a Light on IT Spend,
March 15, 2013, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST (GMT -5)

Three case studies and a panel discussion will highlight how Enterprise
Architecture (EA) helps IT leadership shine a light on IT spend for their
business partners on campus.   

Presenting the case studies are:
* Paul Hobson, Director of Enterprise Architecture, University of British
* Jim Phelps, Enterprise Architect, University of Wisconsin - Madison and
* Richmond Stevenson, Assistant Vice President for Enterprise Architecture
and Strategy, University of Maryland University College

co-hosted by:
* Jim Phelps, Chair of ITANA
* Theresa Rowe, CIO, Oakland University and Chair of EDUCAUSE CIO
Constituent Group

Framework for Architecture Discussions and Engagements

This framework was the focus of discussions on the past two ITANA calls


Jim noted that there are several uses for this matrix at UW-Madison:
(1)  It provides a way to evaluate the various projects and engagements that architecture are involved in.  We can use the matrix to evaluate which engagements are most impactful and focus our time and effort on those limiting our time and effort in the low-value engagements.

(2)  Map an individual engagement to the various value metrics listed under both the "Business Value" and "Architectural Value" areas.  This gives us a way to talk to the campus about the importance of the engagement.  
(3)  Finally, we can map out different outcomes for a given initiative and walk through various scenarios showing how it could be more impactful based on different decisions.  

Q: What about a third axis about organizational readiness, cultural issues, and technical readiness?
 Sometimes people aren't ready for change. How much value do I need on the business value side to get beyond that
unwillingness to change?

A: Yes, could be good to add that to the framework


Next ITANA Call : Thursday, March 14 at 2pm ET

ITANA Wiki: [https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Home|]