


August, 2012

It has been a busy year. We adopted a service name; it is Manifest. A system composed of Grouper, Person Hub, Special Populations, Shibboleth, and a User Interface have been designed and built. A simple use case has guided the project team and this use case is scheduled to join as a beta customer next week. Two more use cases will help the team move ahead with additional functionality. Work ahead includes designing and building a campus services registry, bulk load of person data into the system for when the invitation system will be too cumbersome, workflow for service providers and group mangers to enable groups to obtain services, and more.


December, 2011

Many design meetings were conducted. Within them we 1) articulated a Registration Flow for adding new people not already in our Person Hub, 2) developed some use cases, 3) identified some APIs between the components of our Group and Affiliation Management Services (GAMS), 4) adopted a set of modeled on documents from the University of Washington and the University of Chicago, and 5) drafted specifications for a new Special Populations repository for those who are not already known to the University. Next steps include defining a more comprehensive system design, mocking up some User Interfaces for the registration process, and playing with Grouper in a DEV environment.


November, 2011

The Groups and Affiliations Management Service project team is conducting architecture sessions. What are the components of the service and how do they relate to one another? Grouper has been selected as the center of the service.


September, 2011

A fifty-five page requirements document has just been completed. Now we are performing a check off exercise to see if Grouper will meet most of what campus leaders have set forth as their business needs. Stay tuned for results.