If you have previously installed COmanage Registry, follow these steps to upgrade your installation.

Download New Source

Checkout the source as described in Registry Installation - Source. Depending on how you set things up previously, you will likely need to:

  1. Update app/tmp to point to your production tmp directory.
  2. Re-install your authentication configuration. (eg: On Apache, copy app/webroot/auth/login/.htaccess and app/webroot/auth/logout/.htaccess.
  3. Re-install your database configuration. (app/Config/database.php)
  4. If you updated app/Config/email.php, re-install that file as well.
  5. Update your registry-source link to point to the new directory.
  6. Clear Cake's caches XXX

Update Database Schema

Generally, updating the database schema is required when upgrading COmanage Registry. You may need to run this command as a user that has permission to write to your tmp directory.

$ cd app
$ ./Console/cake database
Database schema update successful

When upgrading the database schema, you may see "Possibly failed to update database schema" instead. In all likelihood, the database schema successfully updated. (CO-165)