{note}{center}A memorial will be held Sunday, July 29 at 11am Pacific Time
at the [Walker-Ames Room (Kane 225) on University of Washington Campus.|http://www.css.washington.edu/KNE_Directions]
Video and Jabber Conferencing details will be available soon.
A pot-luck open house will be held at the Morgan family home,
at 5526 26th Ave NE, Seattle, from 2pm onward.{center}
{center} !daddy.jpg|align=center,border=1,width=600!

h1. RL "Bob" Morgan

h3. Father, husband, brother, friend and soccer fan

h5. Everyone is invited to share their memories and impressions of Bob

Click on the picture to enlarge it
Click "Add Comment" at the bottom left of this page
to contribute your memories and thoughts of Bob
and please provide your name before you save your contribution.
[Obituary in Seattle Times|http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/seattletimes/obituary.aspx?n=rl-morgan-bob&pid=158705110#fbLoggedOut]
[University of Washington Announcement|http://www.washington.edu/news/articles/memorial-set-for-uw-its-r.l.-bob-morgan]
[Tribute web site for Bob's Professional Life|rlbob:Home]
{table:align=center|frame=void}{table-row}{table-cell:width=33%}The Morgan family asks those interested in making a donation to the college educations of Bob and Eve's daughters Annika and Julia to send a check made out to "*Bob Morgan Kids College Fund*". _Be sure to *include the account \#6027180 on the check in the memo section*_.{table-cell}
{table-cell:align=center|valign=middle|width=33%}Mail a check to:
Olympia, WA 98507{table-cell}{table-cell:width=33%}or you can mail a check directly to Eve Perara at:

Department of Chemistry
Attention: Eve Perara
University of Washington
Box 351700
Seattle, 98195-1700{table-cell}{table-row}{table}{info}
Alternatively, you can make a donation to the [Mercy Corps|https://www.mercycorps.org/donate]
in the name of _{+}RL "Bob" Morgan{+}_ by checking _"This gift is in honor or memory of someone"_.
*{_}Dad's Time Line{_}* created by Annika Morgan, July 18, 2012
!Dad timeline.jpg|align=center,border=1!