
When: June 11, 2012 - 10:30 am - 3:30 pm
Where: Jasig/Sakai Conference, Westin Peachtree Plaza in Atlanta, Georgia, Tower Room 1408







  1. Review/Assemble Agenda
  2. Define and document core use cases for SOR->Registry integration upon which to base design work
  3. Assemble/reaffirm CIFER reference architecture for SOR and Registry components.
  4. Discuss approach for API design for this integration
  5. Initial API design work
  6. If we have time:

Action Items

  1. Dedra - put links in the wiki for the OpenEMPI whitepapers, Jimmy's strawman, and Lucas' matrix (based on Jimmy's strawman).  Mail that out to the group
    1. Group - review these documents, note any questions or missing things from the strawman or matrix your group might want/need
  2. Venu - plug away at getting OpenEMPI up and running.
  3. Dedra - Poll group about moving meeting to 12pm instead of 11am (EDT)
