
Note, the proof of concept part can probably be done concurrently with the ux investigation and design





Help framework

Community suggestions

I'm not sure how many Grouper installers also use JA-SIG CAS, but we do, and I know that it would be helpful for us if the new Grouper UI used the same technologies as that of CAS, namely Spring MVC and Spring Web-Flow.  This would decrease the skill-sets necessary to customize and maintain an identity solution that includes both CAS and Grouper.

It would also be very convenient if the HTML structure was designed so it could be themed using CSS (along the lines of csszengarden) and if the JSP pages used customizable header and footer “includes” built in from the start.

Universite de Montreal

We are also using the CAS authentication so we would like to keep that.

Internationalization (i18n) would be a nice to have. One language could be globally configured. Supporting multiple language would be better, but it's not a top priority. It could be detected from the browser (which is nice, but a default value would also work) but it has to be user-changeable using a drop-box or link of some kind since browser language might not be what the user prefers to see.

Display group relationships

Visual display of groups impacting membership of a given group. Would illustrate subgroups and composite factors, perhaps expanded by levels.

Ideas on Gathering Community Input