1. Respondent background

1.1 Institition name
1.2 Department name
1.3a Respondent#1: Name and title
1.3b Respondent #2: Name and title
1.4 May we publish your name and institution on the survey results website?

  1. Yes
  2. No

2. SOA maturity of your organization

2.1 Can you describe the SOA matrurity of your organization using the terminology developed in the HP SOA capability model?







Business 2007












Program management 2007












Governance 2007












Architecture 2007












Operations 2007












People 2007












Enabling technologies 2007












2.2 If you have nidicated a significant change in your maturity level, can you describe the projects that have done most to advance that maturity?

2.3 If there has been a significant change, can you identify the main drivers for that change?

3. Industry (vertical) standards

3.1 PESC: Admissions application

3.2 PESC: Edcucational Test Scores

3.3 If you have checked one or more items in 3.2, please list the tests (eg SAT, TOEFL, GRE etc)

3.4 PESC: High School Transcript

3.5 PESC: College transcript

3.6 Kuali Student

3.7 Kuali Identity Management

3.8 Do you use any of the following IMS standards (in any capacity)

3.9 Please list any other industry (vertical) standards that do not appear in the lists above

4. SOA Governance

4.1 Does your organization include architectural reviews in its project methodology
1=None at all
5=Well established

4.2 Are the principles of SOA applied during architectural reviews?
1=None at all
5=Well established

4.3 Do you have processes for documenting and publishing service contracts?
1=None at all
5=Well established

4.4 Do you have a change management process for service contracts?
1=None at all
5=Well established
4.5 Is there a central (enterprise wide) repository for service contracts?

4.7 Has SOA changed your IT governance? If so, how?

5 Data governance

Successful SOA depends on a clearly articulated ontology. Service endpoints need to understand the data contained in messages. Maturity around data architecture is a precondition for SOA maturity.

5.1 Do you have a conceptual enterprise data model?
1=None at all
5=A highly developed model

5.2 Do you have well documented logical data models?
1=None at all
5=A highly developed model

5.3 Do you have well documented physical data models?
1=None at all
5=A highly developed model

5.4 Have you developed governance structures around data?
1=None at all
5=Mature governance

6. Identity and access management

Services need to be built on mature identity and access management practices. Successful IAM is another precondition for successful SOA.

6.1 Do you have an enterprise Identity and Access Management roadmap?

6.2 Which of the following statements describe your Identity and Access Management environment?

6.3 Please indicate which products form part of your Identity and Access Management solution

6.5 Please indicate in greater detail how key components of your Identity and Access Management solution interpoerate with your services?

6.6 More generally, how do you manage trust between distributed components ?

7. SOA design principles

7.1 Is SOA part of your Software Development Life-cycle?
1=Not at all

7.2 If SOA is part of your SDLC, please explain how

7.3 Have your projects been informed by any of the following high-level architectural artifacts?

7.4 Do you version your service contracts during the design process?

7.5 How do you publish (document) your service contracts?

7.6 What kinds of meta data do you maintain about your services

7.7 What message structures do you use?

8. Technologies

8.1 Are you using an integrated commercial SOA suite, or any of the components in the suites listed below?

8.2 Are you using one or more of the following service bus applications?

8.3 Please indicate which enterprise services are connected via a bus

8.4 Which of the following technology standards do you use?

8.5 Which of the following security related standards do you use?

8.6 How would you describe the logical topology of your SOA

8.7 Has the introduction of SOA related technologies altered your enterprise technology road-map?

9. Cost benefit analysis

9.1 Indicate whether you think that SOA has led to an increase in strategic value in any of these areas

9.2 Metrics

10. Individual projects and intitiatives that illustrate SOA principles

In this section we would like to collect some detailed information about individual SOA projects or initiatives that you have undertaken in the last 18 months. The section allows for up to 2 projects. However, if there are more you would like to share, there is a freeform text box at the end of the section.

Project #1

10.1a Name of the project

10.2a Project URL (if public)

10.3a Where is the project at on the project lifecycle?

10.4a What are the goals of the project (technology goals and business goals)

10.5a Is there any additional information about the project you would like to supply

10.6a What business domains does this project address?

Project #2

10.1b Name of the project

10.2b Project URL (if public)

10.3b Where is the project at on the project lifecycle?

10.4b What are the goals of the project (technology goals and business goals)

10.5b Is there any additional information about the project you would like to supply

10.6b What business domains does this project address?