1. Respondent background

1.1 Institution and department name
1.2a Respondent#1: Name and title
1.2b Respondent#2: Name and title

2. SOA maturity of your organization

  1. 2.1 Can you describe the SOA level of maturity of your organization using the terminology developed in the HP SOA capability model ? *






    Business 2007










    Program Managment 2007










    Governance 2007










    Architecture 2007










    Operations 2007










    People 2007










    Enabling technologies 2007










2.2 If you have indicated a significant change in your maturity level, can you describe the projects that have done most to advance that maturity?
2.3 If there has been a significant change, can you identify the main drivers for the change

3. Industry (vertical) standards

3.1 PESC: Admissions Application

3.2 PESC Educational Test Scores

3.3 PESC: High School Transcript

3.4 PESC: College Transcript

3.5 Kuali Student

3.6 Kuali Identity Management

3.7 Do you use any of the following IMS standards (in any capacity)

3.8 Please list any additional standards that you are using that do not appear in the list above

4. Governance

4.1 Service inventory management

4.3 Data governance
Successful SOA is dependent on a clearly articulated ontology. Service endpoints must be able to understand the data contained in messages.

4.4 Has SOA changed your IT governance? If so, how?

5. Identity and access management

5.1 Do you have an Enterprise Identity ans Access Management roadmap

5.2 Which of the following statements describe your Enterprise Identity and Access Management solution

5.3 Please indicate which products form part of your Identity and Access Management solution

5.4 Please explain in greater detail the key components of your Enterprise IAM solution and how your services inter-operate with IAM
5.5 More generally, do you have any thoughts on managing trust between distributed components in a SOA environment

6. SOA design principles

6. SOA design principles

6.1 Is SOA part of your Software Development Lifecycle?

6.2 If SOA is part of your SDLC, please explain how:
6.3 Have your SOA projects been informed by high-level architectural artifacts?

6.4 Do you version your service contracts during the design process?

6.5 How do you document (publish) your service contracts?

6.6 Do you publish meta-data about each service (assumptions, intended use, glossaries)?

6.7 Which message structures do you use?

7. Technologies

7.1 Are you using an integrated commercial SOA suite, or any of the components in the suites listed below?

7.2 Are you using one or more of te following service-bus applications

7.3 Please indicate which enterprise services are connected via the service bus

7.4 Which of the following technology standards are being used in your SOA implementation?

7.5 Which of the following security related standards are you using?

7.6 How would you describe the logical topology of your SOA

7.7 Has the introduction of any SOA related technologies altered your enterprise technology architecture?

8. Cost benefit analysis

8.1 Indicate whether you think there has been an increase in strategic value in any of the following areas

8.2 Metrics

8.3 Any additional comments you might want to add on the topic of cost-benefit analysis:

9. Individual projects and initiatives

9.1a Name of the project
9.2a Project url (if public)
9.3a Where is the project on the project lifecycle *
9.4a What are the goals of the project (technology goals and business goals)
9.5a What business domains does this project address?

Project #2

9.1b Name of the project
9.2b Project url (if public)
9.3b Where is the project on the project lifecycle *
9.4b What are the goals of the project (technology goals and business goals)
9.5b What business domains does this project address?

9.6b Is there any additional information you would like to add about these projects (of other SOA projects you are engaged in)?