Charter Version 1.0, Adopted on 2 March 2007


Enterprise Architecture (E.A.) has grown in importance as more functions are pushed into the middleware layer and as more systems are being orchestrated and integrated to carry out business processes. Higher Education processes have expanded beyond the traditional silo functions within enterprise. Security risks are distributed with every flat-file transfer and every integration point. The cost of maintaining, upgrading and integrating systems has risen as the complexity of the environments has increased. The need for enterprise-wide principles, business process driven designs and holistic requirements is driving the need for enterprise-wide architectures.


ITANA is focused on developing the skills, tools and a suite of products to assist institutions with their enterprise architectural needs. ITANA is focused on serving higher education but drawing on expertise outside of higher education. ITANA will draw from other Enterprise Architecture groups (The Open Group, Microsoft, etc.) where suitable and will augment their work to maximize the fit with higher education.

ITANA is not a marketing opportunity. We believe that if vendor products are well architected, they will be easier to sell to higher educations institutions. We do want participation from vendors and open discussions about their products' architectures.


There are six major areas of activities for ITANA:



Jim Phelps, Chair

How to join ITANA 

NOTE WELL: All ITANA activities are governed by the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework. Participation in ITANA is separate and distinct from membership in Internet2 and EDUCAUSE.