8/12/2011 Conference Call Notes 4-5pm EDT


In the discussion, we ended up identifying about eight high-level
components of an IdM stack that we felt were significant for higher
ed. After a prioritization exercise, we settled on three technical and
one organizational priority to try and address first, and formed sub-
groups to start considering each one in greater detail. The top three
technical priorities were:

(a) want a mailing list? - All: yes (Keith: archiving would be good too)
(b) want to use the same wiki page - All: yes (if we need ore pages
we can always create them
( c) Concalls weekly? - All: yes (given our short time frame)
(d) Concalls on this bridge at this time each week? All: yes

+ *Rob: Take a first stab at drafting a picture of the overall
architectural diagram and how we fit in it.
Rob will use Graffle to produce a high level diagram*
+ *All: Review the documentation from the SCIM project, particularly
the SCIM scenarios documentation, and see where you think
there are gaps between our needs and the use cases/
scenarios SCIM is addresing.*
+ *Keith: Will send out URLs for the SCIM documentation and web
site for us to review*
+ *Rob: Will send out some other items for though before the next
conference call.*

At this point, we adjourned for one week, to return on the same conference bridge from 4pm - 5pm ET August 17th for a followup call. Expect emails during the week leading up to the next call.
