The Email Self-Service Dashboard Widget (EmailWidget) is a Registry Dashboard plugin that provides a simple interface for end-users to add and remove email addresses.


<draft>The Email Self-Service Dashboard Widget is available in COmanage Registry version 4.1.0. </draft>



  1. This is a non-core plugin, see Installing and Enabling Registry Plugins for more information.

  2. Once the plugin is enabled, the Email Self-Service Dashboard Widget (presented as EmailWidget in the Plugin drop-down) should be added to a dashboard and configured. Configuration options are:
    1. Default Email Type: this type will be given to any email address added using this widget. If left blank "Official" will be used.
    2. Message template: the message template used for sending the email verification message to the user. If undefined, the email subject will default to "Your email verification code", and the email body will default to "Please copy the following code into the Email Address panel in COmanage Registry to verify your email address."