New Features in Grouper v4

 Grouper v4 includes many helpful new features, as listed below, as well as the enhancements provided in Grouper 2.5 updates. 

** As of March 2023, Grouper v4 is the stable no-enhancement version of v2.6. See versioning page **

The upgrade from 2.5 (more recent) to v4 is not a substantial change.  The database did not change much. 

You are required to use a container when running Grouper. This will ensure you have consistent directory structure, the correct version of libraries, and low risk and low effort upgrades.  There are instructions to make using the container as easy as possible.

See also Grouper 2.6 Release Notes (renamed to v4) (build info)

Provisioning framework

The Grouper provisioning framework is being maintained and finished in v4
Provisioning configuration 'start with'Common patterns for provisioning configuration
JEXL scripted groupsMore complex policies than traditional composites
Edit select attributes on group screenCertain common attributes can be viewed/edited on group screen
Load data from provisionersAdd loader for provisioners (not SQL or LDAP) like Duo or Zoom
Add WS authn optionsTrusted JWT WS, self-service JWT WS, OIDC WS
Duo role provisionerAdmin roles provisioned to Duo
Box provisionerProvisioning to box
SQL provisionerProvisioning to databases
Azure provisionerProvisioning to azure
Provisioning diagnsticsGet feedback on provisioning configuration
Google provisionerProvisioning to google
Folder security and performance improvementsUsers only see folders they should be able to see, with good performance.  Add folder VIEW privilege
OSGI pluginsAbility to sandbox plugins in their own classloader