Minutes ITANA Call, March 23, 2007

Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin-Madison (chair)
Jim Hooper, St. Louis University
Paul Hill, MIT
Bill Thompson, Rutgers University
Steve Carmody, Brown University
Dave Robertson, University of Rochester
Steve Gilacki, Oakland University
Keith Hazelton, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Ann West, Internet2
Renee Frost, Internet2
Dean Woodbeck, Internet2 (scribe)
Steve Olshansky, Internet2

**Action Items**
AI -- Jim Phelps and SteveO -- will work on getting the survey up on Survey Monkey.

AI – Paul Hill --will provide feedback on potential topics for a guest speaker to others at MIT and work to recruit a guest speaker.

*Survey for Face2Face*

Jim reviewed the survey that is in the wiki (https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/itana/Face2Face+Survey)

Information about the survey taker

  1. About yourself (text fields)
  2. Name
  3. Institution
  4. Title
  5. email
  6. URL (to a profile)
  7. Participation (Check box: Yes or No)

Blob of text about ITANA, which will be fleshed out


  1. Are you signed up for the EDUCAUSE Constituent Group email list?
  2. Have you signed up for an account in the Internet2 wiki?
  3. Do you get the email notices from the ITANA web site (http://www.itana.org)?


  1. The charter
  2. The membership
  3. How we set agendas
  4. Hopes and dreams
  5. Future meetings

Potential Meeting Topics
Each topic will have selection boxes for respondents to choose among these options on each survey item: "would like to hear," "not interested," "willing to speak on this topic," plus a text field for a proposed title, and a check box choosing "presentation" or "panel."

Proposed topics:

About I.T. Architecture

  1. How and where I.T. Architecture has been implemented at your institution
  2. Your organization's plans for I.T. Architecture
  3. The Open Group's Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
  4. Vendor activities in I.T. Architecture (what are Microsoft, Oracle, Sun doing?)
  5. Other organizations' activities (independent funding organizations for example)
  6. Architectural Maturity Model and measuring your institution
  7. Applying architectural frameworks in higher education - challenges and alignments

Hot Topics in I.T. Architecture

  1. Service Oriented Architecture
  2. I.T. Portfolio management - mapping strategy to tactics
  3. Model Driven Architecture - UML and Business Process Modeling
  4. Identity Management
  5. Data Management as a discipline
  6. Workflow and Business Rules Engines
  7. Standard Application development models (Workflow -> Business Rules -> IdM -> how do they plug in together)
  8. Common Business Logic components (Pluggable business and utility code)
  9. Enterprise Portal - How to empower end users and service providers to push new content to the portal
  10. other _______


  1. Things on your campus that you want to talk about
  2. Things in world at large that you want someone to talk about (be ready, willing and able to line up a speaker)
  3. What do the analysts say we should be working on (e.g. Burton, Gartner, et al)
  4. What's happening in other vertical markets like Health Care, Financial
  5. What is on the governments radar that we should be pro-active about.
  6. Training Opportunities - e.g. a joint Burton session, a group week with Bredemeyer, MagicDraw UML session, etc

What else should we be thinking about? (text field for responses)

Include a place for respondents to volunteer for the agenda-setting team.

The survey will be used to inform the agenda for the face-to-face in May. Not all topics will be discussed - the survey will provide a way to prioritize.AI – Jim Phelps and SteveO --will work on getting the survey up on Survey Monkey.

**Face2Face Meeting**
The Face2Face is planned for May 22, 10 am - 5 pm, and will include lunch and a light afternoon break. There will be no video conferencing and no registration fee. However, since there is a hard cap in the meeting room of 36 people, there will be an information registration process. Registrants will send email to itana-info@internet2.edu and SteveO will keep the information on a spreadsheet. Registration will be first come-first served, with a limit of two per institution. If an institution would like to send more than two, those additional potential attendees will be wait-listed. This meeting is open to any interested people in higher education - you do not have to be a member of Internet2.

There is a small block of rooms available at the CSC rate. The block is available until April 7 - after that, rooms will be available on a space-available basis.

In terms of the program, Paul Hill (MIT) is working on a guest speaker for the meeting - perhaps a CTO at a financial service firm in New York City.

Possible topics include:

* The development and integration of enterprise architecture - not the technical aspects, but business needs and business drivers.

AI -- Paul -- will provide this feedback to others at MIT and continue his efforts toward lining up a guest speaker

** Other Items **

SteveO will be publishing, on Monday, March 26, detailed instructions on accessing the wiki.
SteveO mentioned that Internet2 provides minutes of these meetings. Draft copies will be distributed to the list within a week of a phone call. Comments/revisions will be incorporated and the minutes will be approved and posted on the wiki after the next call.

Agendas and reminders will be emailed the day prior to the calls, which will take place every two weeks. The agenda bash will take place on the wiki prior to the call.

The next call will take place April 6 at 2 pm EDT