When integrating the ShibUI application with Shibboleth and you wish to use Shibboleth as the authentication source for your users, this configuration is needed. 


If the IDP cannot provide the correct roles (ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_USER, ROLE_ENABLE) in the user attributes, then you will need to create a users file as detailed on the integration page with at least one username (matching usernames from the IDP) with the ROLE_ADMIN role.

If you choose to integrate the ShibUI as a Service Provider(SP) (ie, ShibUI users will authenticate through Shibboleth to access the ShibUI) you will need to do the following:

  pac4j-enabled: true
    keystorePath: "/conf/samlKeystore.jks"
    keystorePassword: "changeit"
    privateKeyPassword: "changeit"
    serviceProviderEntityId: "https://yourorganization.net/shibui"
    serviceProviderMetadataPath: "/conf/sp-metadata.xml"    # Full path to SP metadata file location
    identityProviderMetadataPath: "/conf/idp-metadata.xml"  # Full path to the IDP metadata file location
    callbackUrl: "https://localhost:8443/callback"
    forceServiceProviderMetadataGeneration: true    # Set to false if you don't want to have the system create
    maximumAuthenticationLifetime: 3600000          # values smaller than the IDPs session timeout will be effectively overridden by the IDP
    requireAssertedRoleForNewUsers: false           # default
    simpleProfileMapping:                            # Standard defaults - groups and roles can be whatever attributes as needed or left commented out
      username: urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1
      firstname: urn:oid:
      lastname: urn:oid:
      email: urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3
      #groups: urn:oid:                      # businessCategory
      #roles: urn:oid:       # eduPersonEntitlement

The saml2ProfileMapping mappings are the SAML standard OIDs - groups and roles can be configured to whatever values are appropriate for your systems.

Within the source code for the project, testbed/authentication provides an example setup for an IDP and the ShibUI, including a sample application.yml configuration.