Institutional Profiles

  • What if I can't login?

If you are not able to login, you most likely have not yet enrolled with Internet2 Identity and Access Management Services. Checkout the instructions on how to do so.  If you continue to have difficulties logging in, please contact netplus@internet2.edu for assistance.

  • How do I update my profile?

Profile updates are requested from all participating institutions by way of a Google Forms survey. When it is time to update your profile, based on the cadence outlined below, we will reach out to you on how to do this.  However, if you would like to submit an update more immediately, please email netplus@internet2.edu to do so. 

  • Do you believe your Institution is a NET+ subscribers for a service listed here but don't have access?

If you believe your institution subscribes to a NET+ service listed here but you don't have access, you should first register with our IdAM system.  At the very end of that process, you will need to indicate which service your institution subscribes to and would like access to.  If this doesn't work, please reach out to netplus@internet2.edu for further assistance. 

  • How often are the profiles updated?

Each service is a bit different in the life cycle timing for the data in their profiles.  We work with the specific Service Advisory Board to determine on what cadence data in the profiles should be updated.  Sometimes this is 6 months while other times it could be up to a year.  Specifics are below for individual services.

    • Canvas Institutional Profiles: Every 12 months
    • ServiceNow Institutional Profiles: Every 6 months

  • Who do I contact to provide feedback about the Institutional Profiles?

If you would like to provide feedback about the Institutional Profiles, please contact Matthew Buss at mbuss@internet2.edu.