InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - Sept. 13, 2021


  1. Moving the InCommon Steering Committee and the Trust and Identity Program Advisory Group, together (Kevin: 25 min)
    1. August 2019 presentation to Steering (analysis of the state of the relationship between InCommon and Internet2)
    2. Guidelines for Program Advisory Groups at Internet2
    3. Slides to guide the discussion
  2. Approval of Robert Wood Johnson as a Incommon eligible research organization, consider changing the criteria for a research organization   (Kevin, Ann, John: 25 min)
    1. Approval of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) as an eligible Research Organization:

      RWJF awards about $600M annually, including to HEI's. Here is their "portal" of awardees:

      The most recent, similar request for such an approval was in July of 2019, when Steering approved Howard Hughes Medical Institute as a Research Organization under similar circumstances.  The current criteria for the current participation classes (higher education, research organization, sponsored partner)  is documented in the Federation Operating Practices and Policies (FOPP -

    2. Steering Approval of a Change to the Research Organization Eligibility Criteria

      Propose to change the definition of Research Organization to allow InCommon to welcome a wider range of Research Organizations

      Proposed Definition:
      "A Research Organization is defined as a lab, facility, or organization whose mission incorporates research as determined and approved by InCommon."

      Current definition in the FOPP:
      4.1.1. (2) Research Organizations paragraph.
      "... A Research organization is defined as a lab, facility, or center related to a particular federal research agency and listed on an official publicly available government listing to InCommon’s satisfaction. ..."

  3. New Committee Member recruitment  (Kevin: 5 min)
  4. Marketing/communication/value proposition project update 5 min (Kevin: 5min)
    1. Dan Gerding will be conducting one on one interviews


Moving PAG and InCommon Steering together

Consideration of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as a research organization

Vote Results

Michael Berman made a motion to accept the application

Jeremy Livingston seconded the motion

The vote to include RWJF as a research organization passed unanimously.

The group decided to continue this conversation in the Oct meeting where Kevin, Ann, and John will come back with a refined definition. The discussion that followed the vote was around concerns that the proposed wording was too general and did not provide clear operational guidance for InCommon staff to be able to interpret the new guideline,  thoughts from the group were as follows:

Next steps- continuing the conversation in Oct. around the refined definition.  Kevin, Ann, and John to come back with clearer definition at next meeting.

Next Planning Session

Next standing committee meeting