
LDAPPCNG - LDAP Provisioning Connector New/Next Generation as of v1.6.0
LDAPPCNG provisions group and membership information contained in the Groups Registry to an LDAP directory service.

LDAPPCNG uses the Shibboleth Attribute Resolver, VT Ldap , and SPML 2. More information is here.

Download the LDAPPC-NG binary provisioning plugin for Grouper and expand it.

Copy the contents of the expanded package to your Grouper API directory. Configuration files are in the conf directory and java libraries are in lib/custom.

LDAPPCNG is run using GrouperShell (gsh).

For example, to maintain provisioning, polling every 60 seconds for changes :

bin/gsh.sh -ldappcng -bulkSync -interval 60
One of -bulkCalc, -bulkDiff, -bulkSync, -calc <id>, -diff <id>, or -sync <id> must be specified. All other arguments are optional.

Key	Value	Description
no arguments	 	 Display usage.
-bulkCalc	 	 Calculate provisioning for all identifiers.
-bulkDiff	 	 Determine provisioning difference for all identifiers. 
-bulkSync	 	 Synchronize provisioning for all identifiers.
-calc <id>	identifier	 Calculate provisioning for an identifier.
-diff <id>	identifier	 Determine provisioning difference for an identifier.
-sync <id>	identifier	 Synchronize provisioning for an identifier.
-entityName <id>	entity identifier	 Provisioned object id. For example, group, member, etc.
-lastModifyTime <id>	yyyy-MM-dd[_hh:mm:ss]	 Select objects changed since this time.
-conf <dir>	path to configuration files	 Configuration directory.
-logSpml	 	 Log SPML requests and responses.
-output <file>	file	 Print SPML responses to Output file. Default: STDOUT.
-printRequests	 	 Print SPML requests as well as responses.
-requestID <id>	request id	 SPML request identifier.
-returnData	 	 Return data (identifier and attributes)
-returnEverything	 	 Return everything (identifier, attributes, and references)
-returnIdentifier	 	 Return identifier only.
-targetID <id>	target id
Target ID.
Configuration files should be located on the Java classpath.

ldappc-internal.xml	 Shibboleth Attribute Resolver
ldappc-services.xml	 Shibboleth Attribute Resolver
ldappc-resolver.xml	 Shibboleth Attribute Resolver
ldappc-ldap.xml	 VT Ldap connector
ldappcng.xml	 LDAPPCNG
ldappc.properties	 Macro replacement
By default, macros of the form $\{name\} in ldappcng.xml will be replaced by their corresponding values in ldappc.properties.

Files prefixed with ldappc may also be used by ldappc.

The ldappcng.xml file defines provisioned targets, objects, identifiers, attributes, and references.

<ldappc> - Provisioning Configuration
<ldappc xmlns="http://grouper.internet2.edu/ldappc" xmlns:ldappc="http://grouper.internet2.edu/ldappc" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://grouper.internet2.edu/ldappc classpath:/schema/ldappc.xsd"> <targets id="LDAP"> <target id="ldap" provider="ldap-provider" /> <object id="stem"> <identifier ref="stem-dn" baseId="${groupsOU}"> <identifyingAttribute name="objectclass" value="organizationalUnit" /> </identifier> <attribute name="objectClass" ref="stem-objectclass" /> <attribute name="ou" ref="stem-ou" /> <attribute name="description" ref="stem-description" /> </object> <object id="group" authoritative="true"> <identifier ref="group-dn" baseId="${groupsOU}"> <identifyingAttribute name="objectClass" value="${groupObjectClass}" /> </identifier> <attribute name="objectClass" ref="group-objectclass-eduMember" /> <attribute name="cn" /> <attribute name="description" /> <attribute name="hasMember" ref="hasMember" /> <attribute name="isMemberOf" ref="groupIsMemberOf" /> <references name="member" emptyValue="" > <reference ref="members-jdbc" toObject="member" /> <reference ref="members-g:gsa" toObject="group" /> </references> </object> <object id="member"> <identifier ref="member-dn" baseId="${peopleOU}"> <identifyingAttribute name="objectclass" value="person" /> </identifier> <attribute name="objectClass" ref="member-objectclass" retainAll="true" /> <attribute name="isMemberOf" ref="memberIsMemberOf" /> </object> </targets> </ldappc>

The targets element allows more than one target to be provisioned using the same configuration. This may be useful, for example, when provisioning a production and test environment identically.

<targets id="ID" > <target ... <target ... <object ... </targets>

attribute	 description
id	 Uniquely identifies a collection of targets.
A target contains objects. Each target requires a unique identifier and a provider identifier. Multiple target elements are allowed.

<target id="ID" provider="providerID" />

attribute	 description
id	 Unique identifier.
provider	 Identifier of a provider defined in the attribute resolver services configuration.
For example, LDAPPCNG ships with an LDAP provider using the vt-ldap distribution.

<target id="ldap" provider="ldap-provider" />

<Service id="ldap-provider" xsi:type="ldappc:LdapPoolProvider" ldapPoolId="ldapPool"> <ConfigurationResource file="/ldappc-ldap.xml" xsi:type="resource:ClasspathResource" /> </Service>

A provisioned object. For example, a group, member, stem, account, etc. An object consists of an identifier, attributes, and references.

<object id="ID"> <identifier ... <attribute ... <references ... </object>

attribute	 description
id	 Uniquely identifies the object per target.
All objects require a unique identifier. The value of the identifier is returned from the Shibboleth Attribute Resolver.

<identifier ref="REF" baseId="BASE"> <identifyingAttribute ... </identifier>

attribute	 description
ref	 The id of an attribute definition defined in the attribute resolver configuration.
baseId	 The identifier of the container (the SPML2 containerID).
This element maps an object returned from a target provider to an object in the LDAPPCNG configuration. This is not specified anywhere in the SPML specification and is likely a candidate for improvement.

<identifyingAttribute name="NAME" value="VALUE" />

attribute	 description
name	 Attribute name.
value	 Attribute value.
For example, an object returned from a target which has an attribute named "objectclass" with value "groupOfNames" will be identified as a "group" object.

<object id="group"> <identifier ref="group-dn" baseId="ou=groups,dc=example,dc=edu"> <identifyingAttribute name="objectClass" value="groupOfNames" /> </identifier>

A provisioned attribute. The value of the attribute is returned from the Shibboleth Attribute Resolver.

<attribute name="NAME" ref="REF" />

attribute	 description
name	 The name of the provisioned attribute.
ref	 The id of an attribute definition defined in the attribute resolver configuration.
Defines references to other objects.

<references name="NAME" emptyValue="" > <reference ... /> </references

attribute	 description
name	 The provisioned attribute name. 
empty-value	 Optional. Defines the value of the provisioned attribute if no references are returned from the attribute resolver. This should be defined when provisioning a required (MUST) ldap attribute, such as "member" of an OpenLDAP directory. 
Defines a reference to another object. The value is

<reference ref="REF" toObject="OBJECTID" /

attribute	 description
ref	 The id of an attribute definition defined in the attribute resolver configuration. 
toObject	 The id of the Provisioned Object referred to. 
For example, the following configuration will return references to the identifiers of "member" objects for the attribute definition "members-jdbc", and references to the identifiers of "group" objects for the attribute definition "member-g:gsa".

The "members-jdbc" attribute's values will consist of the "id" attribute for every subject which is a member of a group's "members" attribute.

The "members-g:gsa" attribute's values will consist of the "name" attribute for every group which is a member of a group's "members" attribute.

The values of the "members-jdbc" and "members-g:gsa" attributes are passed to the attribute resolver to determine their identifiers.

<references name="member" emptyValue="" > <reference ref="members-jdbc" toObject="member" /> <reference ref="members-g:gsa" toObject="group" /> </references>

<resolver:AttributeDefinition id="members-jdbc" xsi:type="grouper:Member" sourceAttributeID="members"> <resolver:Dependency ref="GroupDataConnector" /> <grouper:Attribute id="id" source="jdbc" /> </resolver:AttributeDefinition> <resolver:AttributeDefinition id="members-g:gsa" xsi:type="grouper:Member" sourceAttributeID="members"> <resolver:Dependency ref="GroupDataConnector" /> <grouper:Attribute id="name" source="g:gsa" /> </resolver:AttributeDefinition>

Example: calc
To print to STDOUT the SPML representation of how an object should be provisioned :

>bin/gsh.sh -ldappcng -calc stem:groupName <ldappc:calcResponse status='success' requestID='2010...QKUSL7CS' ... > <ldappc:id ID='stem:groupName'/> <ldappc:pso entityName='group'> <psoID ID='cn=stem:groupName,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=edu' targetID='ldap'/> <data> <dsml:attr name='objectClass' ... > <dsml:value>top</dsml:value> <dsml:value>groupOfNames</dsml:value> <dsml:value>eduMember</dsml:value> </dsml:attr> <dsml:attr name='cn' ... > <dsml:value>groupName</dsml:value> </dsml:attr> <dsml:attr name='hasMember' ... > <dsml:value>member1</dsml:value> <dsml:value>member2</dsml:value> </dsml:attr> <dsml:attr name='isMemberOf' ... > <dsml:value>stem:otherGroup</dsml:value> </dsml:attr> </data> <capabilityData mustUnderstand='true' capabilityURI='urn:oasis:names:tc:SPML:2:0:reference'> <spmlref:reference typeOfReference='member' ... > <spmlref:toPsoID ID='cn=member1,ou=people,dc=example,dc=edu' targetID='ldap'/> </spmlref:reference> <spmlref:reference typeOfReference='member' ... > <spmlref:toPsoID ID='cn=member2,ou=people,dc=example,dc=edu' targetID='ldap'/> </spmlref:reference> </capabilityData> </ldappc:pso> </ldappc:calcResponse>

Example: diff
To print to STDOUT the SPML representation of changes that should be made :

>bin/gsh.sh -ldappcng -diff stem:groupName <ldappc:diffResponse status='success' requestID='2010..._QKUSQLQ0' ... > <modifyRequest entityName='group' requestID='2010..._QKUSQLRM' returnData='everything' ... > <psoID ID='cn=um:manual:g20031124220052001,ou=groups,dc=memphis,dc=edu' targetID='ldap'/> <modification modificationMode='add'> <dsml:modification name='description' operation='add' ...> <dsml:value>A Description</dsml:value> </dsml:modification> </modification> </modifyRequest> <ldappc:id ID='stem:groupName'/> </ldappc:diffResponse>

      Questions or comments?  Contact us.
