Step by step guide on using the IntelliJ midPoint Studio, including how to set up and run a local version of the Grouper / midPoint demo:

$ git clone
$ cd midPoint_container/demo/grouper
$ docker-compose up

The initial build will take several minutes.

When "docker ps" confirms all demo containers are healthy, visit the midPoint Admin GUI:

administrator, 5ecr3t

Download midPoint Studio Plugin for IntelliJ. The plug-in works with the Community Edition and with IntelliJ Ultimate

Start IntelliJ.

Install midPoint Studio Plugin for IntelliJ

Restart IntelliJ to activate new plug-in

Start a new midPoint Studio project in Intellij

Configure midPoint Studio project

Point default midPoint Server to newly installed Grouper / midPoint Demo instance

You are now ready to start interacting with the server, editing and uploading resource definitions, organizations, roles and other midPoint objects.