The Grouper Developers are seeking practical use cases that will contribute to the development and enhancement of the Grouper product, in turn benefiting those institutions that plan to deploy Grouper.
To participate in the development of this work, we ask that you add details of your proposed use case below, as thoroughly as possible.

LIGO provisioning Use Case

Institution: LIGO

Author: Scott Koranda

Brief Description of the LIGO VO

LIGO, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory seeks to detect gravitational waves--ripples in the fabric of spacetime. The LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC), a self-governing collaboration, was founded in 1997
and currently has more than 800 members from 70 institutions worldwide. LIGO is the funded by the NSF.

Sketch of LIGO provisioning

Consider the case of a new data analyst, named Scott Koranda, joining the collaboration by joining the LSC group at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The following types of resources must be provisioned:

isMemberOf: Communities:LVC:LVCGroupMembers
isMemberOf: Communities:LVC:LSC:MOU:UWM:UWMGroupMembers
isMemberOf: Communities:LVC:LSC:LSCGroupMembers
isMemberOf: Communities:LSCVirgoLIGOGroupMembers
/DC=org/DC=ligo/OU=People/CN=scott.koranda@LIGO.ORG scott.koranda

Typically there should be a grid-mapfile for each instance of each service at each site. The composition of the grid-mapfiles could depend on the groups to which a user belongs. For example, Scott Koranda only gets an entry for one particular GridFTP server because he is in the group that analyzes a particular type of data.