Companion doc to Technical Roadmap

COmanage Product Roadmap (Functional)

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COmanage, a collaboration management platform, has been in progress for several years. We have explored many ways of solving some of the complex problems around allowing the tools used for collaboration - wikis, mailing lists, and more - to interoperate in a federated environment for organizations that have no brick-and-mortar defining them. As the work continues, we have laid out the plans for the next several years, focusing our efforts on four large collaborative organizations (CO) - LIGO, iPlant, OOI, and NEON - and any smaller CO interested in the tools and methodologies we are developing.

Primary Market = Large interinstitutional research groups and collaborative organizations
Secondary Markets = education and research-related committees, small interinstitutional research groups and collaborative organizations

Already completed in the COmanage effort

Expected deliverables

Year one (2010-2011)

Year two (2011-2012)

Year three (2012-2013)

Out of initial scope (but still on the list)