April 9, 2020 Minutes

Attending: Eric Kool-Brown, Janemarie Duh, Matthew Economou, Heather Flanagan, Keith Wessel, Eric Goodman, Mary McKee, Mark Rank, Matthew Brookover

With: David Walker, Ian Young, Nick Roy, Albert Wu, Dean Woodbeck, IJ Kim, Ann West, Steve Zoppi, Jessica Fink, Dave Shafer, Les LaCroix, David Bantz

Intellectual Property Reminder - All Internet2 activities are governed by the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework.

Public Content Notice - TAC minutes are public documents. Please let the TAC and note taker know if you plan to discuss something of a sensitive nature.

T&I and Ops Updates

Moving metadata signing online - Was previously a mostly manual process taking two staff members 30-45 minutes per day. Implemented April 8. One minor hiccup with uploading the DIFF; otherwise, it has gone as planned. 

WAYF service and discovery - had an outage of the InCommon discovery service. A school was failing to download the metadata and the logs didn’t show requests getting through. Was a firewall rule causing an issue. That metadata client was making requests 18 times per second. Moving the discovery service off the metadata service. Planning to move to the latest version of SWITCH WAYF. No concerns from TAC.

Heather - Seamless Access consumes metadata from many sources. There are a couple of dozen entities that have registered different names with different federations, so they show up multiple times in a discovery service. Nick - have worked on that since we joined eduGAIN in 2015 and it remains a problem and has been hard to make progress.  

TAC approved moving to a stock version of SWITCHWAYF as part of our move to separate the discovery service from the metadata servers.

REFEDS R&S push - Sent calls to action to participants to support REFEDS R&S to help with access to COVID-19 collaborations. 26 IdPs have done so, so total is now 156 IdPs supporting the category. 

Also took the opportunity to discuss officially retiring the InCommon-only R&S category, which has been deprecated since no IdPs can join the category now and all SPs moved to REFEDS R&S when that was created. The plan would be conducting outreach and direct contact to the remaining 76 IdPs in the category to let them know, and do a blanket removal at some point. 

No objections from TAC to retire InCommon-only. 

InCommon COVID-19 response/actions - Accumulating those at https://incommon.org/incommon-covid-19-responses/ 

Adapting Exec and SA vetting process for working while Stay at Home - Former process involved contacting InC Execs at a published phone number and must talk to someone live. The process now is to leave a voice mail at that phone number with a one-time code for use in completing the process.

International Update

IdP as a Service WG

Report to Steering

Next Meeting -  Thursday, April 23, 2020