
The quick start is the easiest way to start Grouper.  You need a computer with Docker (or another container technology that runs Docker format containers).  Run the container and it will start an embedded HSQLDB database (that does not persist across restarts unless you mount the database directory outside of your container... as outlined below). 

All Grouper processes will run in this container at once (UI/WS/daemon/SCIM).  As you evolve your Grouper practice you will run your processes in separate containers.

Get a server

Here is an example with AWS, basically for this example you need a Unix-based server (or Mac).  Install Docker as well

Install the container

  1. Install docker (note, using a server with systemd is easier)
  2. See which version of Grouper to run (at least v2.5.26)
  3. Pull the image

    bin $ docker pull i2incommon/grouper:2.5.XX

  4. Make sure the digest is correct (from release notes page)

    [root@ip-172-30-3-152 ~]# docker image inspect i2incommon/grouper:2.5.XX | grep i2incommon/grouper@sha256

  5. Make a start command.  Note, for the morph string encrypt and quick start pass, just make up a 16 char alphanumeric string or generate from a password manager.   Note, this is not good security.  It is for quick starts only.  As you evolve to maturity level 0, you can set a different password encrypted in the database which will not be in a script file or in an env variable, and you can further evolve to Shibboleth or another authentication system.

    grouperContainer $ vi
    #!/bin/bash  (or whatever shell)
    docker run --detach --name grouper-qs --publish 443:443 -e GROUPER_MORPHSTRING_ENCRYPT_KEY=******** -e GROUPERSYSTEM_QUICKSTART_PASS=******** i2incommon/grouper:2.5.XX quickstart
    grouperContainer $ chmod +x
    grouperContainer $ ./
    (Optional) Check logs:
    grouperContainer $ docker logs grouper-qs
    (Optional) Shell in:
    grouperContainer $ docker exec -it grouper-qs /bin/bash

  6. Log in to UI (note, the first log in can take a minute as HSQLDB database is started and initted

    Go to: https://localhost/grouper/
    Log in with username : GrouperSystem
    Password is the password you specified in the GrouperSystem QuickStart pass

  7. Try a web service call

    Get the client out of the container (or download from maven)
    $ docker cp grouper-qs:/opt/grouper/grouperWebapp/WEB-INF/lib/grouperClient-2.5.XX.jar .
    Now you should have a grouper client jar in your directory
    Make a config file in the same directory
    $ vi
    grouperClient.webService.url = https://localhost/grouper-ws/servicesRest
    grouperClient.webService.login = GrouperSystem
    grouperClient.webService.password = ****** is the password you specified in the GrouperSystem QuickStart pass
    # turn off SSL until a real SSL certificate is installed
    grouperClient.https.customSocketFactory = edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.ssl.EasySslSocketFactory
    $ java -jar grouperClient-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --operation=getSubjectsWs --subjectIds=GrouperSystem
    Index: 0: success: T, code: SUCCESS, subject: GrouperSystem

    grouperContainer $ java -jar grouperClient-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar --operation=getSubjectsWs --subjectIds=GrouperSystem --debug=true
    Reading resource:, from: /Users/mchyzer/grouper/docker/grouperContainer/
    WebService: connecting as user: 'GrouperSystem'
    WebService: connecting to URL: 'https://localhost/grouper-ws/servicesRest/2.5.0-SNAPSHOT/subjects'
    ################ REQUEST START (indented) ###############
    POST /grouper-ws/servicesRest/2.5.0-SNAPSHOT/subjects HTTP/1.1
    Connection: close
    Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1
    Host: localhost:-1
    Content-Length: 161
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8
    ################ REQUEST END ###############
    ################ RESPONSE START (indented) ###############
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Date: Mon, 04 May 2020 02:38:16 GMT
    Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips
    Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15768000
    Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=xxxxxxxxxxxx; HttpOnly
    X-Grouper-resultCode: SUCCESS
    X-Grouper-success: T
    X-Grouper-resultCode2: NONE
    Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8
    Connection: close
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
        <resultMessage>Queried 1 subjects</resultMessage>
    ################ RESPONSE END ###############
    Output template: Index: ${index}: success: ${success}, code: ${wsSubject.resultCode}, subject: ${}, available variables: wsGetSubjectsResults, grouperClientUtils, index, wsSubject, wsGroup, success
    Index: 0: success: T, code: SUCCESS, subject: GrouperSystem
    Elapsed time: 612ms
    grouperContainer $

  8. (Optional) Mount your database files outside of Docker to persist your changes across container restarts.  Note, this is still not a robust database, it is only for non production use.

    $ mkdir hsqldb
    Change your start command to include a mount of this directory
    grouperContainer $ vi
    Add this mount in your command
    --mount type=bind,src=/path/to/hsqldb,dst=/opt/hsqldb
    You might need to open up permissions on that directory:
    $ chmod 777 hsqldb
    You will see database files in that dir on your host
    grouperContainer $ ls -latr hsqldb/
    total 6192
    drwxr-xr-x  22 mchyzer  staff      704 May  3 22:58 ..
    drwxr-xr-x   2 mchyzer  staff       64 May  3 22:58 grouperHSQL.tmp
    -rw-r--r--   1 mchyzer  staff     1536 May  3 22:58 grouperHSQL.script
    -rw-r--r--   1 mchyzer  staff       85 May  3 22:58
    drwxrwxrwx   7 mchyzer  staff      224 May  3 22:58 .
    -rw-r--r--   1 mchyzer  staff       16 May  3 23:00 grouperHSQL.lck
    -rw-r--r--   1 mchyzer  staff  2854600 May  3 23:00 grouperHSQL.log