
You can assign privileges to an entity or entities (individual users, or a group) to allow them to be able to create new objects within a folder.

Privilege requirements

You need ADMIN privileges on the folder to be able to grant others permissions to create objects within the folder. If you are a Grouper sysadmin you inherently have this privilege on every group.


  1. Navigate to the target folder (either by browsing the tree, or by searching). Click on the Privileges tab.

  2. Click the Add members button.

  3. Enter your search criteria in the Member name or ID field, and select the appropriate subject form the list. You can search for an individual person, or a group.

  4. In the Assign these privileges section, select the CREATE privilege.

    The ADMIN privilege also allows creation of subfolder and groups within a folder, but also grants many other rights. Always choose the privilege that grants the least amount of access while still allowing the desired outcome.

  5. Click the Add button. Click the Add button. Note that the selected person or group is now listed in the list of entities with privileges, with the appropriate privilege(s) assigned.