Grouper 2.5 requires running in the InCommon Trusted Access Platform (ITAP) container.

Scroll down on this page for details on container maturity levels

Child pages:


The version of Grouper is 2.5.X (X is a number.  not patch level for API/UI/etc).  Grouper jars are built and released in maven central, and the container is built from those jars and released to dockerhub.  Once some testing has occurred it is announced on slack and on the release notes page as "released".  Do not use a new container until it is announced as "released".  The codebase and container are immutable after announced as released.  After a couple institutions are using the container version in production, or after a few days have passed and no show-stopping errors have been reported, the container version will be marked as "stable" on the release notes wiki.  The latest stable release is highlighted and is the one people should upgrade to if upgrading.  If you use a release that is not marked as "stable", please let the Grouper team know how your experience is so we have data points on when things are stable.


The ITAP container for 2.5 has some changes compared to 2.4. 

Everything in Grouper is now in one directory.  The daemon runs from the webapp.  You should run either UI or WS or daemon or GSH or SCIM, but you can run more than one or all at once if you like

Container maturity level -1

To get Grouper up and running to be able to log in and create groups, you can use the "quickstart" maturity level -1.  This is using the container in way that just starts and runs.  It prioritizes convenience over security or the proper way to run things.  This should never be run in an environment with sensitive data.  You can evolve from this setup to a higher maturity level.

Container maturity level 0

If an institution does not have experience with running containers, Grouper can easily be run without orchestration or other best practices of using containers.  The institution can run the Grouper container before developing their container standards and practices

Note, in production they would run this setup (or multiple) for the UI, run another instance (or multiple) for WS.  This is an example webapp

This is an example daemon maturity level 0.  In each maturity level, the daemon is the same as the webapp (ui or ws), just doesnt need web requests.  Note there is no HTTP here, though you could use it with the status servlet if you like....

Getting started with Grouper, use the installer: task: installContainer

  1. Walks through setting up the database
  2. Sets up config files on server
  3. Configures logging on server
  4. Verifies and advises on installing docker / podman
  5. Creates a start script
  6. Ensures there is a service script so Grouper starts on server startup
  7. Helps with networking and ports
  8. Documentation on how to SSH into container
  9. Advises about containers for WS/UI/daemon/GSH

Container maturity level 1

Keep your configs in source control, have an institution Dockerfile and sub-container

Container maturity level 2

Make the container not dependent on server that runs it.  In this case we need a solution for passwords and logs

Container maturity level 3

Use container orchestration


Grouper runs in tomcat in a container.  The UI, or WS, or daemon run in tomcat in the container.  If the daemon is the only process running, then there are no servlets accepting traffic but tomcat still runs the daemon.  It is important that only one process is running whether it is the UI, WS, and/or daemon (or a combination of them, though not recommended in production).

Grouper determines what is running by environment variables in the container.  Based on that servlets will be dynamically registered in  In the UI or WS the URLs map to logic through one servlet.  


Design goals



We wont have tarballs anymore, just building the TAP image in ant. 

The downloads site will need some logic to coordinate the latest version of the client/installer