October 24, 2019

Attending: Heather Flanagan, Les LaCroix, Matthew Economou, Eric Kool-Brown, Janemarie Duh, Keith Wessel, Mary McKee, Mike Grady

With: Albert Wu, Jessica Coltrin, IJ Kim, Steve Zoppi, Ian Young, David Walker, Shannon Roddy

Intellectual Property Reminder - All Internet2 activities are governed by the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework.

Public Content Notice - TAC minutes are public documents. Please let the TAC and note-taker know if you plan to discuss something of a sensitive nature.

Change in meeting Proceedings

Effective this call, instead of dedicating time for each working group update, please mention any working group or committee update during the agenda bash. We’ll make time accordingly at the end of call for updates. This will allow for spending more time on the main agenda items.

T&I and Ops Updates

TAC Nominations

Nominations closed on October 22. TAC spent the balance of the meeting reviewing the nominees.

Federation 2.0 Working Group

Janemarire and David Walker drafted Federation value statement; Jamemarie will share link to TAC on list.

Next Call November 7

1 pm ET / Noon CT / 11 am MT / 10 am PT