We request that Grouper developers adhere to these standards:

Source control

Git Tips

Developers must create a separate (local) branch for a specific feature if a commit is not for an immediate patch.  That dev local branch should be named something like: GRP-1966-ui-visualization,  During development, multiple interim commits can be made and then squashed into a single commit for the main branch. Before merging to the main branch, switch back to the main branch, do a git pull to get the latest commits made by others. Then, switch back to the feature branch and do a rebase from the main branch. This makes your code apply to the main branch HEAD, rather than the historical commit where your branch started. The rebase changes the start of your branch to the main branch HEAD, and then replays all of your feature commits on top of it. If there are any merge conflicts, you will discover them now instead of later when trying to merge your feature. You can also test this updated code, to ensure it works before committing it to the main branch.

# Get the latest main branch code before starting the feature
(master) $ git pull
(master) $ git checkout -b grp-1279
(grp-1279) #do work, make commits
(grp-1279) #squash multiple commits together to a single new commit; e.g. here merge
(grp-1279) #the last two commits by changing all but the first commit
(grp-1279) #from "pick" to either "squash" (retain message) or "fixup" (ignore message)
(grp-1279) $ git rebase -i HEAD~~
(grp-1279) $ git checkout master
(master) #get any new commits
(master) $ git pull
(master) #if any new commits, go back to the feature branch and rebase
(master) $ git checkout grp-1279
(grp-1279) $ git rebase master
(grp-1279) #Retest. Fix any conflicts that occurred during the rebase. Then continue below
(grp-1279) $ git checkout master
(master) #merge should be a clean fast-forward merge
(master) $ git merge grp-1279
(master) $ git push
(master) #the branch is merged, can delete it now
(master) $ git branch -d grp-1279




Cross database

See also