Wiki space for work on 2010 Advance CAMP Action Item:

Refine the InCommon Silver IAP





Review current InCommon IAP and IAAF and provide revised language to support the intent and goals of the requirements without imposing specific implementation.

Group Members

Tom Barton, Renee Shuey. RL "Bob" Morgan


November 16, 2011 A small subteam of the InCommon TAC was formed to change the InCommon Bronze & Silver IAP's to more closely align with requirements of the TFPAP.  The team has met two times establishing a process for change, review by small group, review by larger community and then moving changes to a production credentialing service.  This team will be meeting face to face for two days in the first week of December and plan to have new documents ready for review by end of year.
Completed a review of requirements as part of the CIC Silver Project and solicited input from IT implementers and Internal IT Auditors.  Meeting on October 4 to begin developing a plan for this project as well as a kickoff for a new Silver Implementation Project with SURA and MAX. End of October InCommon TAC formed a subgroup to refine the InCommon Identity Assurance program based on implementation feedback and guidance from internal auditors, with intent to complete refinements early in 2011.

Working Area



